The Desert Bus Vidya South Teem In support of: Desert Bus South
DB Community IRC Network, and Twitch Chat in an IRC client FAQ History VST Cohost Account VST Mastodon Account VST Twitter Account
Current fully archived years: 0 Years with Missing Data: ∞

Surviving DB South Videos

DB9 (2015) Genesis of the Event DB11 (2017) Genesis of this Site DB11 (2017) Call-In to Desertbus DB12 (2018) Call-In to Desertbus
Part 1 James reveals the VST script... DJ Mikey Calls in to DB11 DB South Calls in to DB North Mid-Run!
Part 2 Old VST South front-page -- DB South has job Openings

Surviving DB South VST Data

Event Number Calendar Year Giveaways Postermap Shift Clock
?? 2023* - Postermap for the Year 4 poster -
12 2018* Giveaway Given to DB12 (2018) - -
10 2016* Giveaway Given to DB10 (2016) - WIP

Off-book (LRR) VST Tracking Projects

Year Videos Stats / Graphs
Event Number Calendar Year Playlists Spreadsheets Chat Stats Graphs Pure Stats
A Cam & Ian Christmas Specials
All Years A Cameron and Ian Christams - YouTube Playlist - - - -
- - - - - - -
9 2023 - - - - -
8 2022 - - - - -
7 2021 - - - - -
6 2020 - - - - -
5 2019 - - - - -
4 2018 - - - - -
3 2017 - - - - -
2 2016 - - - - -
1 2015 - - - - -
LRR Sub-a-thons
2 2024 - VST LRR Sub-A-Thon Year 2 Advanced Spreadsheet - - -
1 2023 LRR 20th Anniversary Sub-A-Thon - YouTube Playlist | Public Domain Movie Night - Horror Express (1972) VST LRR Sub-A-Thon - Year 1 Advanced Spreadsheet - - -