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Global Notes: Do not treat individual prize links (here) at static until after the prize has been won!!! (Sometimes prizes are added mid-run) All DB Prize IDs for this year were obfuscated on the website, as we do not know them, they are all currently set to zero If something is wrong OR you have additional images you would like us to add: please: Contact the VST! Reminder: This archive is _NOT_ automated, do not expect frequent or fast updates! | ||
DB Prize ID | 0 | |
Prize Type | Live Auction | |
Bustime Auction Start | 119:02 | |
Local Time Auction Start | Wednesday, 2024-11-13 14:02, PST - (GMT-08:00) | |
Bustime Auction End | 119:07 | |
Local Time Auction End | Wednesday, 2024-11-13 14:07, PST - (GMT-08:00) | |
Auction Title | Tamiyo & Nashi Portrait | |
Alt. Auction Title(s) | -- | |
Auction Donator(s) | Michelle Rapp | |
Auction Description | A Klimt inspired tribute to the one of the best mothers in Magic the Gathering. Tamiyo lovingly holds her son, Nashi in her arms while standing in a field of abstract flowers. The piece is full of symbolism, from the carnation pattern on her kimono (signifying maternal love), the gilded pixels, and the Innistrad moon hanging overhead. The piece measures roughly 11"x17", and uses a mixture of watercolor, gouache and acrylics. | |
Craft-Along? | ||
Crafter Bio | Michelle is secretly a family of possums masquerading as an artist in Boston, Massachusetts. When she isn't wrangling her toddler, she enjoys various crafts and acts of devilment such as weaving, embroidery and D&D. A nominal Magic the Gathering content creator, she also spends her time tackling cats, reading sci-fi/fantasy and screaming at the Patriarchy on Twitter. | |
Auction Winning Amount(s) | $4,400.00 | |
Auction Winner(s) | cyclopsboi | |
Notes | -- | |
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Additional Images | -- | |
Import By | Sokar | |
Updated By | Ugh_Sunlight | |
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