DB18 Prize Archive - Live Auction: Skycloud Expanse Cross Stitch

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DB Prize ID 0
Prize Type Live Auction
Bustime Auction Start 091:02
Local Time Auction Start Tuesday, 2024-11-12 10:02, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Auction End 091:12
Local Time Auction End Tuesday, 2024-11-12 10:12, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Auction Title Skycloud Expanse Cross Stitch
Alt. Auction Title(s) --
Auction Donator(s) Sarah Serinde
Auction Description There are stranger places to spot a Tardis, but this one is up there.

This picturesque scene is based on the Doctor Who version of the Skycloud Expanse Magic card illustrated by Nino Is. It features the Tardis perched among the clouds, as seen in the 2012 Christmas special "The Snowmen." Over 200 hours of cross stitching brought this piece to life, along with a lot of grumbling about colour choices and redoing bits until it looked right. It measures approximately 15" x 11" and is framed in masterwork acrylic, which is lightweight, shatterproof, and protects the piece from UV rays.

Crafter Bio Sarah has been a crafter since her early teens and a geek since she learned how to read, so it was only a matter of time until she found a way to combine the two. She also works as an editor, where she gets to be a geek about the English language. When she isn't busy with overly ambitious embroidery projects (and sometimes even when she is), Sarah is a moderator for Desert Bus, LoadingReadyRun, and several other communities.
Auction Winning Amount(s) $6,700.00
Auction Winner(s) kidror
Notes --
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Import By Sokar
Updated By Ugh_Sunlight
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