LRR Sub-A-Thon 2 - Advanced VST Spreadsheet

LRR Sub-A-Thon 2 - Day 1
Start TimeEnd TimeEvent TypeDescriptionSubmitter /
Auction Winner
Media Link
12:14 -- Technical They're late, as is tradition (stream(s) up) --
12:15 12:18 Music Big Giant Circles - Millennial Bloop --
12:18 12:21 Music another BGC track --
12:22 -- Video/Image Sub-A-Thon Logo --
12:22 -- Technical Main-Room (Studio C) Shot --
12:22 -- Enter/Exit Alex, Ben, Matt, Serge, Cori, Heather, Graham, Jordynne, Adam, Kathleen, James on screen --
12:22 12:55 Discussion Sub-A-Thon Kick-off
12:23 -- Discussion ^ James explains the Sub-A-Thon --
12:26 -- Shoutout New youtube mods <3 Simriel and Smithkurosaki --
12:30 -- Discussion ^ New stretch goals --
12:34 12:36 Roll Call Introducing the crew (Paul is also here!) --
12:37 Discussion The schedule explained --
12:41 -- Burn! The LEGO D&D RPG is bad so Jordynne rewrote it --
12:53 12:55 Reading A note for James from mtvcdm --
12:53 -- Food James brought Pocky --
12:53 -- Discussion ^ mtvcdm - issues a challenge to pass along their terrible mini-golf scorecard --
12:54 -- Physical ^ Graham willingly takes the card --
12:55 14:11 Game Noy2222's Custom Jackbox Time! Noy2222
12:55 -- Discussion ^ What is this? --
12:57 13:24 Game ^ Poll Mine Chat wins --
13:03 -- Shoutout ^^ Voice work by ElementalAlchemist --
13:25 13:27 Discussion ^ Reminder about how the Sub-A-Thon works & Punch-A-Chunk rules (Boons and Banes active!) --
13:28 13:45 Game ^ Quixort N/A --
13:28 -- Enter/Exit Serge leaves for coffee, Cam enters --
13:43 -- Meltdown ^^ Mystery prompt is Technological Advancements again --
13:45 -- Technical ^^ Game breaks --
13:49 14:10 Game ^ Quiplash 3 Graham wins --
14:10 -- Shoutout ^ TY to Noy2222 for the games --
14:11 14:18 Technical Break Screen (While setting up for Punch-a-Chunk) --
14:18 -- Video/Image Sub-A-Thon Logo --
14:18 19:52 Game The Punch-a-Chunk The Viewer wins
14:19 14:30 Discussion ^ About this Punch-a-Chunk, rules explanation for Punch-a-Chunks --
14:20 -- Roll Call ^^ Grizzled Veterans (James and Serge) vs The Young Guns (Cori, Graham, and Alex) --
14:20 -- Technical ^ Setup for this challenge --
14:21 -- Shoutout ^^ Avi made the avatars --
14:30 14:31 Technical ^ Game setup troubles (Serge is in creative) --
14:33 -- Other ^ Gameplay (punching said chunks) actually starts --
14:47 14:48 Technical ^ Young Guns game crash issues --
14:47 -- Prank ^^ Serge puts dirt on Young Guns' chest during technical difficulty --
14:54 -- Prank ^ Serge puts fire near Young Guns' ladder --
14:56 -- Prank ^ Alex starts poking Serge with a stick and then messes with Serge's shoes (ties his shoelaces together) --
14:58 -- Prank ^ Serge makes a dirt house for Young Guns --
15:00 -- Food ^ Team New gets sodas --
15:10 -- Prank ^ Serge put a block at the top of Young Guns' ladder --
15:12 -- Game Event ^ Cori takes over digging for Young Guns --
15:16 -- Meltdown ^ Serge is a menace, James did not expect it --
15:16 15:17 Technical Alex was not unmuted after going to washroom --
15:19 -- Game Event ^ Young Guns falls into a cave --
15:22 -- Prank ^ Graham puts the golf score card in Serge's pocket --
15:23 -- Prank ^ Alex puts D4s on James' chair while James unties Serge's shoe laces --
15:25 -- Prank ^ Cori drops her cobble into Grizzled Veterans' pit --
15:30 -- Game Event ^ Bottom of the hour: Young Guns win, get iron; Grizzled Veterans get flaming screaming goats --
15:30 -- Game Event ^ James takes over digging for Grizzled Veterans --
15:53 -- Prank ^^ Per James' request, Paul puts in another goat named Goat McGoatface --
15:56 -- Prank ^ James discovers their crafting table was moved --
16:01 -- Game Event ^ Alex takes over for Young Guns --
16:02 -- Prank ^ Alex puts water in Grizzled Veterans' hole, and then takes it away --
16:08 -- Prank ^ Serge gaffer tape's Alex to the chair, Cori puts double-sided sticky tape on Grizzled Veterans' number keys --
16:10 -- Prank ^ Cori unties Alex and uses tape to dangle a glove above James --
16:12 -- Game Event ^ Alex dies by falling --
16:14 -- Game Event ^ Alex falls into Grizzled Veterans' hole --
16:29 -- Food ^ Graham got food for the Young Guns --
16:30 -- Game Event ^ Bottom of the hour: Young Guns win, get creeper spawn eggs (about 9 minutes later); Grizzled Veterans get a witch in a boat --
16:30 -- Game Event ^ It's Serge's time to dig --
16:33 -- Prank ^ Alex blocks off Grizzled Veterans' ladder with stone --
16:34 -- Prank ^ James puts the dangling gafe tape onto Serge's glasses --
16:39 -- Prank ^ Serge blocks of Young Guns ladder --
16:42 -- Prank ^ Alex puts a creeper in a stone prison by Grizzled Veterans' ladder --
16:47 -- Game Event ^ Serge dies trying to MLG into a boat --
16:48 -- Prank ^ Alex water elevator's a creeper to Serge and almost kills him --
16:50 -- Prank ^ Serge pushed Alex into hole I think --
16:50 -- Game Event ^ Graham takes over for Young Guns --
16:53 -- Game Event ^ Graham falls off the ladder --
16:53 -- Physical ^ Cori puts Harry into the Grizzled Veterans' co-chair --
16:58 -- Food ^ James brings food for everyone --
17:11 -- Prank ^ Serge gets green screen blanketed --
17:12 -- Prank ^ Serge sets Graham on fire --
17:16 -- Prank ^ Alex enters and puts a bag on Serge's head, and the golf card has changed hands again --
17:19 -- Physical ^ Alex fixes the paper bag, James puts the new hole closer to Serge's face --
17:21 -- Game Event ^ Graham is killed by an illager --
17:24 -- Prank ^ Graham builds a wall between him and Serge --
17:30 -- Game Event ^ James swaps with Serge --
17:30 -- Game Event ^ Bottom of the hour: Young Guns win, for the next 15 minutes get to have all players in-game; Grizzled Veterans have to swap player digging every 30 seconds --
17:45 -- Prank ^ Alex dug out around the Grizzled Veterans bed off-screen --
17:50 -- Game Event ^ Cori sits in the digging chair --
18:00 -- Prank ^ Alex puts a flag (a board used to block certain amounts of light) in front of James' face --
18:01 -- Prank ^^ Serge readjusts it to block half of Cori's monitor, and later the Studio C camera --
18:30 -- Game Event ^ Bottom of the hour: Grizzled Veterans win a Fortune V one durability diamond pickaxe; Young Guns get silverfish --
18:42 -- Food ^ Serge returns with chicken sandwich --
18:45 -- Game Event ^ Serge takes over digging --
18:48 -- Game Event ^ Alex and Cori swap --
18:57 -- Game Event ^ Paul demands the teams swap pits for 20 minutes --
19:16 -- Game Event ^ Early bit count check: Young Guns get Haste for 2mins; Grizzled Veterans a lot of bats --
19:35 -- Game Event ^ Time called + Review of remaining blocks --
19:46 -- Game Event ^ Wrap up (Chat Won! [Veterans had less blocks left at review]) --
19:49 -- Discussion ^ James thanks everyone for the subs and bits! --
19:50 19:51 PSA How the Subathon works --
19:51 19:52 Promo Schedule! --
19:52 -- Prank ^ Alex Found the Subocean in Minecraft --
19:52 Technical Break screen before Heather's stream --
19:58 -- Technical Black Screen for a moment, then On Break returns --
20:12 -- Video/Image Sub-A-Thon Logo --
20:12 -- Enter/Exit Heather in Studio A --
20:12 23:01 Game Heather plays Duck Detective
23:01 23:11 Technical Break screen with hot mic (incoming Beej) --
23:11 23:12 Technical Sub-A-Thon bumper -> Booth Beej --
23:12 02:00 Game Fallout with Beej (pt. 1)
23:12 23:18 Discussion ^ Beej talks about his fancy new shirt --
23:18 23:22 Discussion ^ Catching everyone up to where we are on Fallout 1 & some back-seating rules --
23:59 -- Achievement End-of-Day counts: 1,179 subs | 410,172 bits --