VST DB7 Prize Archive

Global Notes:
DB7 Research is in-progress this list IS incomplete!
If you are a person who won a DB7 prize, please contact the VST!
VST ID Image Title Donated By Given To Associated with Prizes Price Craft-Along?
0 Rover Outpost Desert Bus 7 patches The Rover Outpost All Prize WinnersAllN/A -
1 Desert Bus 7 Driver Patch The Rover Outpost DriversNoneN/A -
2 Desert Bus 7 Crafter Patch The Rover Outpost CraftersNoneN/A Yep!
3 Desert Bus 7 Crafter TY Card Tally Heilke CraftersUnknownN/A Yep!
4 Desert Bus 7 Fangamer On-Site Crew
None$23.00 -
5 Desert Bus 7 Poster LoadingReadyRun MerchNone$12.00 -
6 Desert Busception [DB7 remix] Big Giant Circles MerchNone$1.00 -