DB18 Prize Archive - Sweetener / Merch: Desert Bus 2022 DBloon

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DB Prize ID 0
Prize Type Sweetener / Merch
Sweetener/Merch Title Desert Bus 2022 DBloon
Alt. Sweetener Title DB16 Silver DBloon
Sweetener Donator LoadingReadyRun
Sweetener Description You shake the cobwebs loose.

The driver lets you out at a gas station. Were you heading north? South? It's impossible to tell from the sun.

The gas station's run down, but in that recognizable, Hollywood way. The dust and sun have flaked and baked the building's paint. The "GAS" sign looks like it's missing some bulbs. Old, junked-out cars sit next to the mechanic's garage.

The store's doors are locked, but there's a pop machine next to the entrance. You fish in your pockets for some change. clink-clink-clink!. Glass bottles! You find the opener, snap off the cap, and take a drink. Ice cold, too!

"You dropped something."

You hear a smooth, small voice. You turn around, expecting to see the driver. It's an older man... or is he younger than you think? He's impeccably dressed, with a kind face and a secret smile.

The stranger twists his wrist, and a familiar coin appears in his hand. "Thanks," you mutter. He doesn't respond. You start to wonder whether you heard him speak at all.

As you take it, it feels... cold. Really cold. Like it's been in the pop machine. Or the pocket of the devil.

You look down and flip it over. 2022. That can't be right. Your coin says... Hang on!

You fish around in your pocket and find what you weren't expecting.


"Sorry, sir, you made a mistake. This one's not..."

The stranger's nowhere to be seen.


This year, get your own edition of the Desert Bus DBloon, with art designed by Steven Dengler and Sam Garcia Cazorla. 2022's coin is minted in Antique Silver, for that classic weathered look.

As with every year, profits from the DBloon go to the artists, LoadingReadyRun (for Desert Bus admin costs), and Child's Play Charity.

Given To Merch
Given For Prizes None
Craft-Along? -
Sweetener Price $15.00
Sweetener Images

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Import By Sokar
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