DB17 Prize Archive - Live Auction: Death, Smiling

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DB Prize ID 3
Prize Type Live Auction
Bustime Auction Start 025:01
Local Time Auction Start Sunday, 2023-11-12 15:01, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Auction End 025:09
Local Time Auction End Sunday, 2023-11-12 15:09, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Auction Title Death, Smiling
Alt. Auction Title(s) --
Auction Donator(s) Sarah Serinde
Auction Description This cross stitch portrait features Death from the Sandman TV show as she has a heart-to-heart with her brother Dream. It aims to capture the warmth of the character rather than portray her as primarily stern and serious. Embroidered on hand-dyed fabric, it measures approximately 18" x 14" and took 285 hours to complete. The piece is framed in masterwork acrylic, which is lightweight, shatterproof, and protects it from UV rays.
Craft-Along? Yep!
Auction Winning Amount(s) $4,750.01
Auction Winner(s) monad_burrito
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Import By Sokar
Updated By Ugh_Sunlight
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