DB12 Prize Archive - Silent Auction: So Basic

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DB Prize ID 42
Prize Type Silent Auction
Bustime Silent Auction Start 080:00
Local Time Silent Auction Start Monday, 2018-11-12 18:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Silent Auction End 088:00
Local Time Silent Auction End Tuesday, 2018-11-13 02:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Silent Auction Title So Basic
Alt. Silent Auction Title(s) --
Silent Auction Donator(s) Andi Gene
Silent Auction Description Hi, welcome back. Certainly glad you could join us today. Lets start out and have them run all the colors along the screen that you need to paint along with us [titanium white, pthalo blue, prussian blue, midnight black, dark sienna, van dyke brown, alizarin crimson, sap green, cadmium yellow, yellow ochre, bright red]. While they're doing that, let me show you what I've got done up here in "So Basic".

In this 18" by 24" oil on canvas, the wet-on-wet technique taught by Bob Ross was used to create this unique landscape of plains, forest, swamp, islands, and mountains. Centered in each of these basic land types are the mana symbols for white, green, black, blue, and red spells, located in their respective areas. Trying to cast Cromanitcore? Want to activate Paragon of the Amesha? Try tapping "So Basic" instead of Kaleidostone! Are you running a Sliver deck? Tap "So Basic" to cast your Sliver Hivelord or Sliver Legion! Refs probably won't approve, but, there's something impressive to walking up to your wall and turning a two-foot painting sideways that JUST MIGHT let you get away with it in a friendly game of MtG. Good luck!

Craft-Along? Yep!
Silent Auction Winning Amount $850.00
Silent Auction Winner Rogue13
Notes --
Tags magic the gathering, painting,
Silent Auction Images

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Import By Sokar
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