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Global Notes: If something is wrong OR you have additional images you would like us to add: please: Contact the VST! If you are a crafter and you would like us to add your bio in (the DB website did not display the bios) please contact the VST also! | ||
DB Prize ID | 127 | |
Prize Type | Live Auction | |
Bustime Auction Start | 155:01 | |
Local Time Auction Start | Thursday, 2018-11-15 21:01, PST - (GMT-08:00) | |
Bustime Auction End | 155:21 | |
Local Time Auction End | Thursday, 2018-11-15 21:21, PST - (GMT-08:00) | |
Auction Title | Full size Desert Bus 2018 poster | |
Alt. Auction Title(s) | -- | |
Auction Donator(s) | Mike Lunsford | |
Auction Description | ATTN: Exact auction time TBD. This will be the final live auction of Desert Bus, a couple hours before the end of the run... whenever that may turn out to be! Mike Lunsford remains undefeated by the Desert Bus madness!. They are back again, along with their magical drawing skills and ability to stay awake for longer than is probably safe! They'll be drawing the Desert Bus 2018 poster, As Is Tradition, commemorating the people and events of this year's run. Small prints will be available for purchase after the run, but this auction is for the one and only large-sized copy that will be printed. Comes with a certificate of authenticity. Because the poster has not yet been created, we don't have any pictures of it yet... The photos here are of previous years' posters, also created by Mike. Observe their glory and imagine the coming awesomeness of the Desert Bus 2018 poster! Please note: this auction time is subject to change. (It will happen towards the very end of Desert Bus.) |
Craft-Along? | -- | |
Auction Winning Amount(s) | $7,522.57 | |
Auction Winner(s) | mr_horrible | |
Notes | -- | |
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Additional Images | -- | |
Import By | Sokar | |
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