DB10 Prize Archive - Silent Auction: Jack Frost plushies

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DB Prize ID 21
Prize Type Silent Auction
Bustime Silent Auction Start 096:00
Local Time Silent Auction Start Wednesday, 2016-11-16 10:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Silent Auction End 104:00
Local Time Silent Auction End Wednesday, 2016-11-16 18:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Silent Auction Title Jack Frost plushies
Alt. Silent Auction Title(s) --
Silent Auction Donator(s) Michelle Willson
Silent Auction Description Jack Frost just loves Desert Bus as this is the third time he's come to play. First he had to check it out on his own, then last year he brought Black Frost and Pyro Jack with him. This year Pyro had some problems with his lantern and had to bail at the last minute, but King Frost was able to clear up his busy schedule to attend Desert Bus 10. A strange cat named Morgania also asked to come along. Jack didn't quite know what to make of her, but figured the more the merrier. Each plushie sits between 5 and 6 inches in height and is primarily made of acrylic yarn and polyfill with felt and pipecleaners for accents. All arms and Morgania's tail are semi-adujustable.
Craft-Along? Yep!
Silent Auction Winning Amount $450.00
Silent Auction Winner ReddHerring
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