DB10 Prize Archive - Silent Auction: Shadows Over Innistrad lantern

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DB Prize ID 269
Prize Type Silent Auction
Bustime Silent Auction Start 136:00
Local Time Silent Auction Start Friday, 2016-11-18 02:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Silent Auction End 144:00
Local Time Silent Auction End Friday, 2016-11-18 10:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Silent Auction Title Shadows Over Innistrad lantern
Alt. Silent Auction Title(s) --
Silent Auction Donator(s) Wizards of the Coast
Silent Auction Description You reach out for the heavy wooden door, the ritual carvings polished smooth under your hand. The iron hinges are rusted, and creak as you push your weight against the wood, watching as a sliver of darkness appears, growing until you can fit your body through the gap. Inside, the moonlight passes through stained glass windows, leaving a colourful pathcwork on the marble floor,but failing to illumine all but the very centre. A flick of your hand and the lantern you hold comes alight with a magical fire, the light piercing through to the horrors within.

If you love the gothic tension of Innistrad, this item is perfect for you. This Shadows Over Innistrad lantern...

Craft-Along? --
Silent Auction Winning Amount $1,150.00
Silent Auction Winner VestigialVeracity
Notes --
Tags mtg, magic the gathering,
Silent Auction Images

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Import By Sokar
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