DB18 Prize Archive - Silent Auction: GAIA Subroutines Quilt

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DB Prize ID 0
Prize Type Silent Auction
Bustime Silent Auction Start 027:00
Local Time Silent Auction Start Saturday, 2024-11-09 18:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Silent Auction End 035:00
Local Time Silent Auction End Sunday, 2024-11-10 02:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Silent Auction Title GAIA Subroutines Quilt
Alt. Silent Auction Title(s) --
Silent Auction Donator(s) frozencapybara
Silent Auction Description Stay cozy and warm while you rebuild the biosphere from scratch. This quilt features the symbols for GAIA, the Project Zero Dawn AI from the Horizon game series, and her nine subordinate functions. The back of the quilt features a hand-embroidered label depicting the bus being chased by a thunderjaw. The quilt measures 59" x 68", a generous throw blanket size, or suitable for a large wall hanging.

Quilt is made of 22 colors of 100% cotton fabric & cotton batting.

Care instructions: machine wash on gentle cycle with cold water. Line-drying strongly recommended. Can be ironed if necessary.

Crafter Bio Frozencapybara collects hobbies, including quilting, sewing, embroidery, making overly complicated halloween displays, and removing cats from the middle of projects. She lives outside Portland Oregon with her partner and two feline supervisors.
Silent Auction Winning Amount $8,489.00
Silent Auction Winner ekimekim
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Import By Sokar
Updated By Ugh_Sunlight
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