Desert Bus 18 Chat Stats generated by pisg

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#desertbus @ stats by VST

Statistics generated on Saturday 16 November 2024 - 1:30:59
During this 11-day reporting period, a total of 7664 different nicks were represented on #desertbus.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 stormgod5191200303839967484 157181200303839967484 513443.316.9yesterday"T H E N O T E"
2 glmdgrielson139946145233 11262139946145233 484424.325.5yesterday"@amative1 Yep, but I'm well aware that most people kinda blank upon seeing it for the first time."
3 randomtrivia1368221226491073 73021368221226491073 348454.831.4yesterday"@Synchroma Yes, but the VST will have you covered!"
4 txc2169939321442 7073169939321442 298604.223.9yesterday"PharaohBender27 oh indeed :p"
5 rockpusher94757426252398 654494757426252398 255493.930.4yesterday"electra310 I'm pleased I took my monday off so that I can sleep :D"
6 azninsect87651913233200 591887651913233200 195203.321.1yesterday"take care of yourselves and each other"
7 elementalalchemist67741918742492 546267741918742492 201743.720.1yesterday"RIP Buscam, until next time"
8 oscelot86427541608 529686427541608 262505.028.5yesterday"@Synchroma alas"
9 somebodynowhere29320797591951 508229320797591951 147242.915.5yesterday"jamieDance jamieDance jamieDance jamieDance"
10 pharaohbender2712821586757 366112821586757 184925.132.7yesterday"@CnCPOWERHOUR Bus willing, I will be :)"
11 tajessa8439041609 34148439041609 152564.524.9yesterday"wait for it...."
12 askwho44012931447 318644012931447 156924.931.3yesterday""
13 exachixkitsune10921510261 287210921510261 165145.836.9yesterday"cakejuNOO cakejuNOO cakejuNOO"
14 mr_horrible62510551007 272762510551007 169226.237.3yesterday"Thank you, Kara lrrSHINE"
15 anubis16947911011098 272447911011098 115854.325.8yesterday"congratulations Eseel!"
16 sarah_serinde3651639647 26513651639647 157896.033.6yesterday"tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap"
17 cantwearhats1861265881262 25941861265881262 132025.128.9yesterday"chat, while we're in the thanks, I would like to thank YOU for being a wonderful chat and pleasure to moderate for <3"
18 admiralmemo9541221210 24079541221210 150106.237.7yesterday"We're never going to keep them down."
19 nightbot453850805288 2396453850805288 8120433.9203.2yesterday"Desert Bus is an all-ages event, so we ask that you keep your language PG. You may replace any swear words with the word "bus" if you wish."
20 ndrofox24810101031 234524810101031 137925.932.3yesterday"Trans Rights, Ace Pride, All of us wonderful people together always AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride"
21 jj8623269051267 2295709051267 61422.712.8yesterday"Keep the conversation going"
22 josh___something383347953610 2293383347953610 99124.324.2yesterday"Desert Bus Stop"
23 mtvcdm522738903 2284121522738903 134775.931.3yesterday"We got one more thing to do"
24 foxmar3206321543 2261866321543 61722.714.9yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
25 raicx806961291 2204146806961291 73603.326.3yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
26 sorator13504253470976 2203504253470976 156347.140.6yesterday"every year!!"
27 thedevil_risen739593298550 2180739593298550 83673.822.3yesterday"sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove"
28 digitalseahorse502754717 2116502143754717 74263.530.0yesterday"vicksyHeadbang vicksyHaha vicksyHeadbang vicksyHaha"
29 amative14621404216 20864621404216 100624.831.0yesterday"lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG"
30 directorstephanie5061025506 20605061025506 84474.127.0yesterday"katesL katesL katesL"
31 a_dub8886681173 19781156681173 106175.430.7yesterday"@sunidesus I love you too (aggressive)"
32 cgwonder210796888 1933210796888 68953.621.1yesterday"Can't believe Tangbus was the chosen one"
33 ebugle1023483357 18831023483357 78294.222.8yesterday"Do do do do do do!"
34 momtherjeff689981 186511877689981 47172.513.7yesterday"CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit"
35 polygonalpizza4481284 18641044481284 74264.022.2yesterday"IT'S THE FINAL BUSDOWN!!!"
36 thefluffiestguineapig884775 183574102884775 107725.932.4yesterday"Do we have wipes for when it goes in a wet that sticks?"
37 caffeinatedlemur6591149 18086591149 61133.420.2yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
38 dbvideostriketeam283297625559 1764283297625559 1764510.061.9yesterday"@Simriel The playlist is right here:
39 gameslayer013686716225 172295686716225 35172.011.9yesterday"<3 <3 <3 <3 <3"
40 nyoomgoom405757406 1678110405757406 75084.530.5yesterday"VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug PrideRise"
41 roedent89541694345 167454169434594 71074.221.8yesterday"Thanks crew"
42 dem0nfire593578441 167462593578441 43522.615.2yesterday"lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART"
43 eleventhocean535414605 162773535414605 60383.723.9yesterday"WIGGINS!!!!!!"
44 definenull529308277449 1563529308277449 49513.216.4yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
45 telnaior420273297530 1520420273297530 67714.525.3yesterday"IT'S THE FINAL BUSDOWNNNNNN"
46 a_guy_7313439562 1470313439156562 56373.820.5yesterday"See you all next year!"
47 browneepointz567691 145666132567691 111807.742.2yesterday"Whoever put Flow on is a monster mattlrCry"
48 jacqui_lantern234265379772 1448265379772 67824.725.8yesterday"I LOVE YOU ALL AGGRESSIVELY"
49 baltimore_667083723474 142914472347488 35952.514.5yesterday"TRANS RIGHTS"
50 kivipaperisakset233628174383 1418233628174383 87496.233.2yesterday"Simply red, holding"
51 spethycakes192486682 140444192486682 47013.320.5yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
52 bytecaster410823 139035122410823 55054.021.2yesterday"Do we get one of every tube?"
53 littlevesuvius164815380 1360164815380 87596.432.7yesterday"it's the final BUSDOWN"
54 megadosx1342 13601342 67224.926.4yesterday"Well that was unsettling"
55 electra310451520364 1339451520364 55724.224.4yesterday"Auspicious bey!"
56 contingentcat161319766 132116175319766 70545.328.2yesterday"thank Yooooou"
57 sblue333313466488 1284313466488 63665.025.6yesterday"2020 was an amazing year of DB"
58 btetta285470505 1268285470505 89827.153.6yesterday""
59 pendelsteven219904 1267126219904 68405.428.6yesterday"@aussie_rob_w until whilom!"
60 tehamelie181540359185 1265181540359185 105468.344.4yesterday"we nailed it friends"
61 t3h_f1gm3nt377485381 1254377485381 59874.824.6yesterday"WOAH DB SOUTH IS REAL"
62 ladyatarka625229384 1248625229384 53364.325.8yesterday"ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love"
63 drfox17740408 121365740408 59064.926.6yesterday"yesss ff music"
64 theainmap427439312 1202427439312 25082.117.1yesterday"sergeHolyMoly"
65 ravynn212831 119848107212831 45303.822.2yesterday"WOOOOOOOOOOO"
66 newtynewts254299621 1175254299621 46724.022.1yesterday"Desert Bus for Hole?"
67 constablecrab233566357 1169233566357 56254.826.5yesterday"Jordynne got the short end of this one."
68 jessicaengle601283171 114489601283171 46944.126.9yesterday"jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo"
69 r0cketf0x193462456 1128193462456 84777.540.5yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
70 boon_33277404342 110885277404342 49484.525.3yesterday"if you were green you would die."
71 delfayne398235472 1105398235472 58785.328.7yesterday"@Saphire282 they/them iirc"
72 neonabby360212428 108336083212428 43794.030.9yesterday"the square hole?"
73 reachw177401350 1063177401350135 40973.926.5yesterday"Oh no, a second orb!"
74 toaster_strooder416390238 1054416390238 78687.543.4yesterday"So that's why it was called The Litterbox."
75 serifina519485 105342519485 74877.141.7yesterday"ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"
76 oliverohman430222379 1041430222379 30192.915.5yesterday"LOVE YOU ALL!"
77 namagem1334631 102960334631 37113.619.2yesterday"Trigger discipline"
78 hidingbox198517 1009198153141517 46724.624.6yesterday"It was Mikey behind the Mikey mask the whole time!"
79 firefuryamahira161302444 95952161302444 60086.334.5yesterday"The final 5 minutes before the post-bus blues set in fully. Definitely excited for May though!"
80 lysander_salamander770 94432139770 30703.317.3yesterday"why is that"
81 blaksun100216332349 93336216332349 17921.918.0yesterday"ironmouseNodders ironmouseChatmeltdown"
82 nickiatori513302 9292751330287 32483.517.5yesterday"for the kids"
83 izandai824 92887824 30283.320.4yesterday"THAT'S STRUCTURING"
84 dog_of_myth450454 923450454 21182.313.9yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
85 kadmostech239353306 921239353306 36133.922.8yesterday"DOZENS OF US"
86 red_shoes_jeff279367 918140132279367 41434.529.3yesterday"jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance"
87 jibkat173262455 907173262455 25412.829.7yesterday"mattlrHype2"
88 chris365516197169 898516197169 32433.625.6yesterday"sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart"
89 rrtycoon2264454 8942647898454 60536.836.5yesterday"Agreed, Ben."
90 northstartex274408203 885274408203 33643.821.0yesterday"lrrSHINE Child's Play, we're paying it back, beyond full"
91 butbutthejesus214399202 88469214399202 27053.118.5yesterday"THE FINAL BUSDOWN"
92 snackpak_439335 8832386439335 19712.213.6yesterday"yall earned it"
93 beamthechao286307264 88023286307264 46685.328.1yesterday"From viewers lile youuuuuuuuuuuuy"
94 easilycrazyhat241284328 87724241284328 42014.827.5yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE Alex"
95 f1shor194253331 87219494253331 68987.940.6yesterday"Orb year best year"
96 fastlane250241501 8594770241501 42825.026.8yesterday"LUL LUL LUL"
97 wartjr2373338280210 85426338280210 60937.138.2yesterday"Holding for stinger"
98 videogameprotagonist327200206 853120327200206 70978.346.4yesterday"anyone feel like sharing what their fav moment from this bus was before we all go?"
99 dracinna438251 847142438251 25763.017.2yesterday"Yeeeeeeeeeee DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance"
100 targe0343403 8414055343403 47875.728.6yesterday"Crash the bus! Crash the Bus!"

These didn't make it to the top:
shifudaxiongmao (823) theelrad (819) horusfive (811) i_enjoy_u (799) the_real_jace (779)
tenthtechpriest (765) gdwarble (755) tacitusvigil (752) dix (749) ianallenbird (749)
alahmnat (717) mercer_man (711) sunidesus (699) iris_of_ether (690) korvys (689)
corruptdropbear (687) jace (679) solarbirdz (659) alexicon3 (659) cyclopsboi (656)
bigdaddybland87 (652) frustbox (648) annie_r_kist (647) despoiler98 (641) stoopler (638)
irrehensibletj (635) neogetz (628) camthelion (625) tempest2097 (622) the_unlocked (620)
flatluigi (618) kumakaori (615) busted (599) saphire282 (599) symphonysolstice (597)
slyguy46 (595) irsaan (594) remoravox (588) rtwo28 (587) lilyoftheveil666 (585)
hd_dabnado (585) shinycrochet (583) generic_account_name (582) hawkeyecadash (581) smithkurosaki (576)
malfnord (574) the_velocicrafter (570) neisan2112 (567) discordiantokkan (563) noy2222 (562)
edgarware (562) control_rig (558) strebenherz (557) gledster (554) mrsarkhan (552)
jillexie (551) bluechloroplast (550) usmu1976 (550) emu_on_the_loose (547) filiusromanus (541)
rebornflames (539) kingsgrave (537) gsyhiap (535) awlwren (533) gekyouryuu (532)
larksachrosis (532) pteraspidomorphi (531) gamesagezb (529) marmaladeaskance (528) loufghyslaufey (526)
earthenone (525) pharmacistjudge (518) atrophonian (516) dr_abigail (515) leonhart321 (515)
kurintoi (515) elohim_3 (514) writerraven (513) pimiento (511) shadowsoflife (506)
sheikun07 (503) austere_squire (502) goblinmyra (502) trisealpha (498) taebaekvb (497)
kataanglover1 (485) juliamon (481) spinballwizard (481) captainrasputin (479) stephonee (477)
elmyra23 (471) beaniemanpresents (471) the_sub_ocean (470) halfaringcircus (462) birbiegorl (460)
aksu560 (458) carbonylcookie (455) theartsypoe (454) yarenidaze (453) solangel777 (452)
msmolliemac (449) shoeboxwarrior (446) thewriteraleph (445) thewanderingnomad (445) darth_paradox (442)
milambus (442) darchangel (441) bentbob (440) citrusella (440) lariatwest (439)
teh_crazydude (437) jdman94 (436) rubiximus (434) rainymint (431) stelloctahedron (430)
mungodude (429) themadpunter (429) bluesardine (428) viewers_like_you (428) margieargie (426)
captainchibale (420) bigthedave (419) brozard (417) matzerkat (416) orannis0 (416)
inresponseremand (414) chaosof99 (410) armadilloal (410) ekimekim (406) chandra_the_mind_sculptor (402)
dafisher (402) drartemishuntress (399) johnlockecole (398) nullvoid8 (397) hedwund (397)
tastylaksa (395) insanecat6mtg (393) haberley (390) heavymetalflorist (389) biscuits_of_bagend (388)
personification2 (388) illuminatedbobtail (387) zeldazach (384) diabore (384) pariah164 (383)
nanowowl (383) iacthulhufthagn (382) jr_plays_games (381) defrost (380) digiman619theantidigs (379)
hieroglyphica (379) sfsmaus (375) tssaloic (372) shparky2197 (368) kiwijelly (366)
aspiringdryad (364) jlhonors (363) star_finder_ (363) cassaclyzm (363) halftrip (361)
gluonquark (361) namesaresilly (360) nevermore913 (359) artemishuntress (358) dunnston (356)
mmoritz (356) jennaprizm (355) fruan (355) tuberculotic (354) lambmower (353)
maplefoniks (352) stellapacifica (352) thorsokar (352) mercano82 (351) mrphlip (351)
drligmaphd (351) moonwhing (348) an_archist2 (348) cthonicjay (348) wokenclick (346)
wrexadecimal (344) sniperpumpkin (339) texan_reverend (338) r10pez10 (338) vinylminty (337)
bubblyoasis (337) splott2k (336) stippledotter (334) 345tom (332) cardz5000 (332)
warcorrespondent (331) balroghuzzah (331) opheliaaah (331) mtigress (331) mazrae (330)
mrshazboto (330) matthaus_c (329) doodlesthegreat (328) pn55 (328) makrosian_tay (327)

By the way, there were 7364 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 txc2 - 1699 glmdgrielson - 4614 glmdgrielson - 5233 stormgod519 - 7484
2 glmdgrielson - 1399 txc2 - 3932 stormgod519 - 3996 azninsect - 3200
3 randomtrivia - 1368 stormgod519 - 3038 oscelot - 2754 elementalalchemist - 2492
4 stormgod519 - 1200 randomtrivia - 2212 randomtrivia - 2649 rockpusher - 2398
5 rockpusher - 947 somebodynowhere - 2079 rockpusher - 2625 somebodynowhere - 1951
6 azninsect - 876 pharaohbender27 - 1282 elementalalchemist - 1874 tajessa - 1609
7 oscelot - 864 cantwearhats - 1265 sarah_serinde - 1639 oscelot - 1608
8 tajessa - 843 anubis169 - 1101 pharaohbender27 - 1586 foxmar320 - 1543
9 thedevil_risen - 739 exachixkitsune - 1092 exachixkitsune - 1510 askwho - 1447
10 elementalalchemist - 677 ebugle - 1023 txc2 - 1442 megadosx - 1342
11 roedent89 - 541 ndrofox - 1010 amative1 - 1404 polygonalpizza - 1284
12 definenull - 529 admiralmemo - 954 azninsect - 1323 jj862326 - 1267
13 chris365 - 516 nightbot - 850 askwho - 1293 a_dub888 - 1173
14 sorator13 - 504 raicx - 806 admiralmemo - 1221 randomtrivia - 1073
15 digitalseahorse - 502 cgwonder - 796 caffeinatedlemur - 1149 mr_horrible - 1007
16 anubis169 - 479 drfox17 - 740 anubis169 - 1098 momtherjeff - 981
17 nightbot - 453 baltimore_667083 - 723 mr_horrible - 1055 sorator13 - 976
18 telnaior - 420 roedent89 - 694 ndrofox - 1031 mtvcdm - 903
19 delfayne - 398 gameslayer013 - 686 directorstephanie - 1025 ravynn - 831
20 josh___something - 383 caffeinatedlemur - 659 raicx - 961 izandai - 824
21 neonabby - 360 kivipaperisakset - 628 josh___something - 953 bytecaster - 823
22 a_guy_7 - 313 ladyatarka - 625 jj862326 - 905 thefluffiestguineapig - 775
23 corruptdropbear - 301 mr_horrible - 625 tajessa - 904 jacqui_lantern234 - 772
24 somebodynowhere - 293 jessicaengle - 601 pendelsteven - 904 lysander_salamander - 770
25 btetta - 285 thedevil_risen - 593 cgwonder - 888 contingentcat - 766
26 dbvideostriketeam - 283 dem0nfire - 593 thefluffiestguineapig - 884 pharaohbender27 - 757
27 realactualgoddamnbatman - 280 rockpusher - 574 cantwearhats - 881 digitalseahorse - 717
28 rrtycoon2 - 264 constablecrab - 566 littlevesuvius - 815 browneepointz - 691
29 ndrofox - 248 tehamelie - 540 nightbot - 805 spethycakes - 682
30 mrphlip - 243 eleventhocean - 535 somebodynowhere - 759 sarah_serinde - 647
31 kivipaperisakset - 233 theelrad - 529 nyoomgoom - 757 namagem1 - 631
32 constablecrab - 233 mtvcdm - 522 digitalseahorse - 754 newtynewts - 621
33 teh_crazydude - 231 azninsect - 519 mtvcdm - 738 josh___something - 610
34 dix - 224 nickiatori - 513 gameslayer013 - 716 eleventhocean - 605
35 kenohki2 - 223 directorstephanie - 506 momtherjeff - 689 a_guy_7 - 562
36 pimiento - 214 gdwarble - 492 a_dub888 - 668 dbvideostriketeam - 559
37 theartsypoe - 214 btetta - 470 foxmar320 - 632 slyguy46 - 550
38 theelrad - 213 r0cketf0x - 462 dbvideostriketeam - 625 thedevil_risen - 550
39 cgwonder - 210 amative1 - 462 dem0nfire - 578 despoiler98 - 544
40 emu_on_the_loose - 206 electra310 - 451 browneepointz - 567 telnaior - 530
41 hidingbox - 198 askwho - 440 electra310 - 520 hidingbox - 517
42 noy2222 - 197 a_guy_7 - 439 serifina - 519 directorstephanie - 506
43 f1shor - 194 dracinna - 438 btetta - 505 fastlane250 - 501
44 r0cketf0x - 193 oliverohman - 430 spethycakes - 486 tacitusvigil - 494
45 ekimekim - 192 theainmap - 427 t3h_f1gm3nt - 485 sblue333 - 488
46 cantwearhats - 186 elementalalchemist - 419 ebugle - 483 serifina - 485
47 frustbox - 185 toaster_strooder - 416 baltimore_667083 - 474 delfayne - 472
48 tehamelie - 181 nyoomgoom - 405 sorator13 - 470 tenthtechpriest - 465
49 jaqspur - 178 reachw - 401 sblue333 - 466 the_real_jace - 464
50 reachw - 177 t3h_f1gm3nt - 377 r0cketf0x - 456 jibkat - 455

Big numbers
Is loufghyslaufey stupid or just asking too many questions? 42.8% lines contained a question!
kusinohki didn't know that much either. 34.1% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was bidbot, who yelled 71.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was kenohki2, who shouted 63.8% of the time!
It seems that slotguts's shift-key is hanging: 48.4% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <slotguts> MATT

rainymint just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 47.6% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
shifudaxiongmao brings happiness to the world. 38.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
themerricat isn't a sad person either, smiling 24.3% of the time.
ghostvalv seems to be sad at the moment: 7.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
mannequin_z is also a sad person, crying 4.8% of the time.
nightbot wrote the longest lines, averaging 203.2 letters per line.
#desertbus average was 30.1 letters per line.
kryptonic wrote the shortest lines, averaging 8.2 characters per line.
zombie_spacer was tight-lipped, too, averaging 10.5 characters.
nightbot spoke a total of 81204 words!
nightbot's faithful follower, stormgod519, didn't speak so much: 51344 words.
gnomonclature wrote an average of 53.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.26 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 DinoDance 21074 little_lyons
2 lrrSHINE 13547 fastlane250
3 THERE 6259 wulf_95
4 lrrHORN 5065 amative1
5 about 4784 electra310
6 desert 4640 amative1
7 seabatClap 4594 discordiantokkan
8 think 4440 glmdgrielson
9 would 4136 electra310
10 lrrHEART 3885 gizmoloid
11 imgur 3868 tehamelie
12 Thank 3712 amative1
13 still 3701 glmdgrielson
14 James 3678 maddogm
15 right 3628 elementalalchemist
16 tqsClap 3626 badpandabear
17 great 3408 amative1
18 amazing 2976 easilycrazyhat
19 night 2970 gledster
20 going 2964 gledster

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 andrew 1331 ghizmou
2 wiggins 720 randomtrivia
3 desertbus 642 bluechloroplast
4 fangamer 597 nightbot
5 ashton 589 littlevesuvius
6 askwho 393 emilywhoknits
7 dix 215 glmdgrielson
8 fugi 192 randomtrivia
9 glmdgrielson 171 sarah_serinde
10 txc2 155 pharaohbender27
11 pharmacistjudge 105 lariatwest
12 randomtrivia 81 rockpusher
13 cyclopsboi 73 delfayne
14 rockpusher 66 sarah_serinde
15 btetta 61 btetta
16 noy2222 56 spethycakes
17 irsaan 55 chi7891
18 barry 50 t3h_f1gm3nt
19 pharaohbender27 49 azninsect
20 azninsect 46 sorator13

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 3300 electra310
2 :) 1298 anubis169
3 :P 1119 debdrup
4 :p 926 videogameprotagonist
5 :( 424 debdrup
6 D: 351 kroze
7 \o/ 228 debdrup
8 ;) 206 usmu1976
9 :> 62 toaster_strooder
10 :/ 41 tajessa
11 ;_; 40 cyanmnemosyne
12 T_T 39 stellapacifica
13 ;p 35 videogameprotagonist
14 :-) 29 xenosns
15 ): 22 btetta
16 :-D 18 temperature_droplet
17 ^^; 16 kumakaori
18 -_- 13 ficklemuse
19 (: 12 irrehensibletj
20 ;P 12 invalidcards

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 363 nightbot
2 344 nightbot
3 277 nightbot
4 177 nightbot
5 173 nightbot
6 112 nightbot
7 112 nightbot
8 111 nightbot
9 104 nightbot
10 66 nightbot
11 66 nightbot
12 59 admiralmemo
13 55 nightbot
14 46 noy2222
15 40 nightbot
16 40 nightbot
17 38 sorator13
18 36 nightbot
19 34 camthelion
20 32 nightbot

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #desertbus!
Wow, no op was taken on #desertbus!
Strange, no halfop was given on #desertbus!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #desertbus!
Strange, no voices were given on #desertbus!
No voices were taken on #desertbus!
pharaohbender27 always lets us know what he/she's doing: 105 actions!
For example, like this:
     * pharaohbender27 blushes

Also, txc2 tells us what's up with 74 actions.
amative1 talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 1 times!
driosenth couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 210 joins during this reporting period!
daxter304 has quite a potty mouth. 1.2% words were foul language.
ohohojoesama also makes sailors blush, 1.1% of the time.
Total number of lines: 523570.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 24 seconds