DesertBus 16 - Advanced VST Spreadsheet

DesertBus 16 - Day 2
Start TimeEnd TimeEvent TypeDescriptionSubmitter /
Auction Winner
Media Link
24:00 -- Game Event New driver name: UMBAO --
24:21 -- Burn! "It's the smart, safe idea; it's just not what I expected." --
24:23 24:23 Meltdown Jacob, at Dale's level of Yes-anding. --
24:45 -- Driver Change Erika takes over driving for Mikey --
24:45 -- Enter/Exit Mikey leaves to eat lunch --
24:45 25:20 Music Persona 5 OST - Shoji Meguro --
24:46 24:52 Story Kathleen tells her story. She is very cold.
24:48 -- Video/Image ^ Image of Kathleen and Baxter on the overlay --
24:50 -- Story ^ Cam talks about a cat he owned --
24:50 -- Video/Image ^ Buddy, a feral cat Dan Wu took pictures of --
24:51 -- Discussion ^ Get your cats fixed --
24:52 24:55 Promo Alpha Flight creative challenge: write the longest funny sentence you can!
24:55 27:51 Drive/Giveaway Creative Challenge for: DB2022 Fangamer T-Shirt - Write the funniest long sentence SoapToaster --
24:56 -- Enter/Exit Andrew arrived! --
24:58 25:00 PSA You can also acquire the DB2022 T-Shirt from Fangamer. Other DB merch at LRR store. --
25:01 25:03 Photos Kolin shows off more photos --
25:04 25:04 RDP RDP: Boombayah - Black Pink
25:06 26:06 Drive/Giveaway $5.13 Giveaway for: Desert Bus Nail Polish Trio 2022 #2 - Raised: $2,052.00 iggysmalls
25:08 -- Discussion ^ Nail polish discussion --
25:11 25:17 Prize Info Silent auction review time: An Eeveelution bus ride and Godrick the Grafted Elden Ring Art Doll --
25:15 25:16 Discussion The fate of the pumpkins carved on TTSF. --
25:17 -- PSA If you have a crafter whose items you liked, you can find their socials/Etsy links/etc. in the crafter blurbs --
25:17 25:20 Reading Cameron reading the very long sentence from the opening of Moby Dick
25:20 25:21 Discussion ^ Cameron discusses the passage read from Moby Dick --
25:21 -- Driver Change Cameron takes over driving from Erika --
25:21 -- Enter/Exit Erika exits --
25:22 25:37 Food Japanese snacks with Jacob - roast salmon cheese, liquor chocolates, canned coffee (just for Cameron!) using Hokkaido milk, and Yubari melon Pocky.
25:24 25:42 Music ^ Persona 5 OST - Shoji Meguro --
25:31 25:32 Skit ^ Kathleen details Jacob going hard in Japan --
25:34 -- Video/Image A Japanese mascot, the Hokkaido Melon Bear
25:35 -- Enter/Exit Jacob leaves to hand out snacks --
25:39 -- Milestone Wingdings at $145,000 --
25:39 -- Enter/Exit Erika re-enters to the co-pilot chair; Jacob returns from handing out snacks; Andrew exits --
25:39 25:48 Discussion Kathleen explains Snorsh
25:42 -- Skit ^ Snorsh Lady and the Snorsh Tourism Board --
25:42 25:48 Music Last Surprise - Shoji Meguro --
25:48 26:25 Music Persona 5 OST - Shoji Meguro --
25:49 25:50 Video/Image Baumtorrentz the shiny Phantump --
25:50 25:57 Skit They're Made Out of Meat - Jacob and Mikey
25:58 25:59 Skit Mikey and Jacob have a "Texas Accent" moment
25:59 26:00 Discussion Hey Mikey, are you enjoying Desert Bus?
26:00 26:01 Skit Say the word "egg" as slowly as possible Mystic Sailboat
26:02 -- Meltdown Mikey: "Lutherans never change anything!" Erika: "Except Christianity" - Jacob melts --
26:03 26:04 Physical Rearrange the Magic The Gathering lands into WUBGR order, then place the lands into the wrong colored buckets
26:04 26:06 Discussion ^ Why WUBGR and miscellaneous jokes --
26:07 26:10 Discussion What is ceiling egg? Kathleen explains and goes to check on it
26:10 -- Story ^ Checking up on Ceiling Egg during the pandemic --
26:10 26:12 Promo DB shirt challenge reminder for the funniest long sentence --
26:12 26:14 Discussion Kathleen and Erika talk about where their dresses are from
26:14 26:25 Photos Kolin takes us through the various pictures he took with his many lenses from a previous challenge
26:25 26:26 RDP RDP: Strangers - Sigrid
26:27 26:27 Promo One last reminder for the DB shirt challenge to write the funniest long sentence --
26:27 27:01 Music Persona 5 OST - Shoji Meguro --
26:28 27:42 Drive/Giveaway $6.90 Giveaway for: Da Red Gobbo 40k Army - Raised: $6327.30 Caimheul
26:28 26:30 Skit Jacob reads Da Red Gobbo 40k Army's description in the voice of Stev
26:32 26:37 PSA What is Desert Bus, for new viewers --
26:34 -- Shoutout Mikey plugs Todd in the Shadows --
26:37 26:40 Discussion Jacob explains his book boyfriend [✓]
26:39 -- Physical ^ Jacob takes awkward prom photos with his book boyfriend --
26:40 -- Physical ^ Mikey and Jacob take awkward prom photos with each other --
26:37 -- Meme Erika rejects a challenge to fix the land order back to WUBRG --
26:42 26:46 Discussion Audience artist would like suggestions of styles to create art in over the week
26:44 -- Milestone Wingdings: $150,000 --
26:46 -- Enter/Exit Exit Jacob to the bathroom --
26:48 26:50 Discussion Kathleen explains the Persona games in under two minutes
26:50 -- Other ^ Kathleen swear --
26:50 26:54 Skit Kathleen rhyming off King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard
26:54 26:56 Discussion There was totally a debrief for Mikey on who Jacob was before the run (No there wasn't)
26:57 26:58 Skit Erika and Mikey recreate the undisputed greatest line in cinematic history
26:59 27:02 Discussion Setup for old-timey soap commercial
27:01 -- Skit ^ 1930s/40s Style Soap Commercial performed by Erika --
27:02 27:08 Food Beer o' Clock!
27:02 -- Music ^ Blue Moon and other jazz ballads --
27:04 -- Food ^ Vancouver Island Brewing - Nanaimo Bar Imperial Porter --
27:05 -- Food ^ Bonus beer snacks from Jacob! Salted kelp --
26:40 -- Driver Change ^ Kathleen takes over from Cameron --
27:07 -- Enter/Exit ^ Jacob distributes salted kelp; Mikey exits --
27:09 27:10 Prize Info Da Red Gobbo 40k Army --
27:09 -- Enter/Exit Jacob Enters --
27:10 -- Enter/Exit Mikey Enters --
27:10 27:13 Discussion Asking the room if anyone has any good pun bee names
27:13 -- Enter/Exit Mikey exits, then re-enters --
27:13 27:14 Shoutout Shoutout to Zach who lost his battle with cancer this year. <3
27:14 27:21 Story Where are Mikey's clothes from?
27:16 -- Story ^ Jacob, noted fashion guru, bought a black shirt in Hawaii and refuses to have button pants again. Elastic waist Chinos all the way! --
27:17 -- Shoutout ^ Playframe has raided! --
27:18 -- Driver Change ^ Jacob takes over for Kathleen --
27:20 27:20 Meme ^ Did you know you can play FFXIV up to level 60 for free, including the award winning Heavensward expansion?
27:20 -- Story ^ Jacob wanted to know where Cameron's clothes came from --
27:22 -- Burn! ^ "[Amazon] adapted a William Gibson novel recently" --
27:22 27:24 Discussion Various clothing discussions --
27:25 27:28 Discussion Worst music lyrics the group has ever heard
27:28 -- Enter/Exit Cameron exits --
27:28 -- Crash Jacob crashes on the right --
27:29 27:31 Prize Info Reviewing the current silent auctions: An Eeveelution Bus Ride and Godrick the Grafted --
27:31 -- Game Event Jacob starts new game, driver is NWRULZ --
27:31 -- Meme Erika:"Have Jacob rearrange the lands. Rejected." --
27:31 -- Enter/Exit Mikey Enters --
27:31 27:35 Discussion What should an Alpha Flight Minecraft build have
27:33 27:35 Discussion The BC Provincial Archive area has a very wet moat/plant area near some very water-adverse documents. Probably a bad idea. --
27:35 27:37 Shoutout To people who can't contribute financially, but give their attention and love
27:37 27:41 Discussion Are there any Magic planes (Besides Ravnica) that people would like to run a campaign on
27:41 -- Promo DM's corner will be happening on Friday, after D+B is concluded --
27:42 -- Meme Time for Crab --
27:43 -- Driver Change Kathleen takes over for Jacob so he can skit --
27:43 27:47 Physical Boy Band Challenge (Mikey, Jacob, Cameron) [✓]
27:44 -- Discussion ^ What are the boy band archetypes? --
27:44 27:46 Discussion ^ Conscription and VIPs in the military --
27:48 27:51 Reading Readings from the Funniest long sentence art challenge
27:51 -- Enter/Exit Jacob Enters --
27:52 27:52 Physical Jacob parallel parks himself on the couch
27:53 27:53 Meme Kathleen reads a joke --
27:54 27:55 Prank Jacob disorders the basic lands even further. --
27:55 27:55 Physical The room partakes in a good cackle
27:56 27:59 Discussion Kathleen solicits for horrible advice
27:56 -- Discussion ^ Kathleen also gives reasonable advice for mental health --
27:58 -- Skit ^ Horrible advice: how to broaden culinary horizons? --
27:59 28:00 Discussion ^ Cam reacts to story about not starting sentences with 'Because' --
28:00 28:01 Video/Image Alpha Flight Day 2 Stinger - Teen Girls on the Street
28:01 28:03 Video/Image Up next on The Learmning Channel: Trading Faces, A Guy: The Untold Story, Solved Mysteries, Say Yes to the Stress, 90sec Divorcee, Get Lernt!
28:01 28:03 Shift Change Night Watch Day 2 Begins! --
28:02 28:05 Discussion Night Watch Day 2 Begins!
28:02 -- Driver Change Jordan has taken the wheel --
28:02 -- Enter/Exit Jordan, Ian, Andrew, Matt and Graham appear for Night Watch --
28:04 28:06 Discussion Ian explains what happened to the Zeta banner
28:05 28:06 Music Movement - Shoji Meguro --
28:06 28:11 Roll Call Night Watch roll call and pronoun check --
28:07 28:09 Music DOOM Eternal OST - The Only Thing They Fear Is You (Mick Gordon) --
28:11 28:35 Physical Ian Fixes the Button on "Battle Engineering" aka document camera
28:12 28:14 Discussion How, who, or why is CHATb --
28:13 -- Discussion ^ Gec Check! --
28:14 28:19 The Kindness War Jacob has brought..... a gift
28:19 28:21 Music Movement - Shoji Meguro --
28:20 -- Music ^ TTSF intro inserted --
28:21 28:23 Music Careless Whisper - Kenny G --
28:21 28:21 Physical Corey and Ben "share" a cheese cookie (Now kiss!)
28:24 -- Video/Image Ian has been moved to the back monitor --
28:24 28:26 Physical Graham takes an office tour to get the Zeta Banner back
28:24 28:27 Music Mario Party 3 - Woody Woods --
28:26 28:27 Physical Graham reminds Ben in engineering that he is loved aggressively
28:27 28:27 Music Doom --
28:28 28:34 Prank Fix the basics. ALL of the basics.
28:30 28:30 Discussion ^ Graham's night club: "Mutually Exclusive" --
28:31 -- Physical ^^ Sorting the lands by the Card name of the basic land --
28:31 28:31 Shoutout Trans* Rights, BLM, and a shout out to a newly out chat member
28:31 Music The Girl from Ipanema - Kenny G, as is tradition for 6:30 pm Local --
28:33 28:34 RDP RDP: DNA - BTS
28:34 28:34 Discussion Ian reveals that the RDP was not intentional --
28:34 -- Milestone Wingdings $155k! --
28:35 28:40 Prize Info Going over the giveaway in Wingdings until it reverts to normal
28:36 -- PSA ^ Why do we have Wingdings? --
28:38 29:49 Drive/Giveaway $8.40 Giveaway for: Multiverse Gift Box set - Raised $9,080.40 drthvd3r
28:40 28:42 Story Ian explains what went wrong with the button
28:40 28:42 Music Yiruma - River Flows in You --
28:40 -- Milestone $8.5 Million Lifetime! --
28:42 28:43 RDP RDP: The Big Breakfast - Tom Cardy
28:43 28:44 RDP RDP: Everytime We Touch - Cascada
28:44 28:45 Discussion Graham talks about how the lighting interacts with his glasses
28:45 28:46 Discussion Can someone please make a Cellular Peptide Cake with Mint Frosting? (TNG reference) --
28:46 28:50 The Kindness War What gundam are the participants of the Kindness War?
28:48 28:48 Music Some Evangelion remix --
28:49 -- Meltdown ^ Cam is stored in the ball --
28:50 28:54 Prize Info Silent auction review time: Hand Painted DB Shift-Themed Gunpla and the USS Tucson Cross Stitch Poster --
28:50 28:56 Music Ocarina of Time shop theme --
28:53 -- Meltdown Ben just learmt Gunpla is for GUNdam PLAstic --
28:54 28:56 PSA Merch and T-shirmts --
28:56 -- Meme Night Watch: Get Shirmt --
28:56 28:57 Burn! Get rekt, James - Jordan
28:57 29:07 Discussion Fun domain names people still own, for some reason
28:58 29:10 Music Mario Party --
29:01 -- Meme Julie got a penalty (It's not just a Butt Haus, it's a Butt Home) --
29:05 29:05 RDP RDP Troll: Daytona USA Let's Go Away - SEGA
29:07 29:08 Prize Info Reminder of the Multiverse Gift Box Set giveaway --
29:10 29:17 Discussion Ian hands out some of his tools so the rest of the room explains what they are
29:11 -- Burn! ^ Julie: "I've dated some interesting tools" --
29:12 29:17 Music ^ Parappa the Rapper Driving Music --
29:17 -- Song ^ Don'tcha put in your mouth --
29:18 29:18 Meme Primal Scream Therapy Time
29:18 29:18 Music Big Enough - Kirin J Callinan --
29:18 29:19 Discussion We didn't "steal" Zeta's banner, we RETURNED it
29:20 -- Enter/Exit Andrew leaves for water and a snack --
29:21 29:25 Discussion Where can Matt try a Herman Miller chair
29:22 -- Meltdown ^ Ian..that's Emily Carr --
29:22 -- Discussion ^ We have a office furniture store called Monks for some reason, which has a mural of Emily Carr on the side --
29:22 -- Meme ^ Progressively slower Roblox Death noises --
29:23 -- Discussion ^ Statues of Hockey Players in Canada --
29:24 29:26 Music ^ Log Driver's Waltz (instrumental) --
29:25 29:28 Discussion ^ Anyone want to get dinner from Fork 'n Pork? --
29:26 -- Discussion ^ What's a ghost kitchen? --
29:28 -- Enter/Exit This food talk has made Julie hungry, so she exits to order dinner --
29:28 29:32 Discussion What is a movie that everyone in the room has seen?
29:28 Music Have a Short Rest - Shoji Meguro --
29:32 29:32 Discussion Does anyone play Flesh and Blood? No --
29:33 29:48 Story To the room: List any instruments that you play or if you know of any other DB member that play an instrument
29:33 -- Enter/Exit ^ Julie and Andrew return --
29:33 -- Story ^ How Graham went to acting classes and met Jer --
29:37 -- Story ^ Matt played Alto Sax, badly --
29:40 -- Story ^ The stinger last year didn't go so well because Grahan was sitting --
29:40 -- Meme ^ Among us --
29:40 -- Story ^ Matt wanted to play drums --
29:41 -- Story ^ Ian's music history --
29:44 -- Story ^ but what if we let kids choose their own path? --
29:45 -- Story ^ Julie played piano and flute and now sings --
29:45 -- Story ^ Andrew played piano under duress, now has some guitars --
29:46 -- Story ^ Jordan did some choir, but was not interested in band --
29:47 -- Story ^ Kolin learn piano, then bass guitar --
29:48 -- Story ^ Max might play a little bit of fiddle every now and then --
29:49 -- Meme Airhorn --
29:50 29:50 Meme Card Kingdom - A Kingdom of Cards
29:50 -- Meltdown Ian pls ("Usually I go into the Garage, not have the Garage come into me") --
29:51 29:51 Shoutout Did someone have Desert Bus running at their wedding last year? Yes.
29:52 29:52 Discussion Ian explains how he pronounces solder and Salmon (Thanks James May) --
29:52 29:54 Physical Andrew shows off his fingernail art
29:53 -- Prank Kolin on the back of room TV --
29:53 -- Meme Among Us --
29:53 -- Enter/Exit Emily is back --
29:54 -- Enter/Exit Graham steps away --
29:54 30:00 Story How Max came to play the fiddle - Sharkfists on twitch
29:59 -- Enter/Exit Graham returns --
30:00 30:02 Discussion Andrew introduces musical guests the Garages and Coyote Wall --
30:01 -- Discussion ^ Andrew has a surprise prize! ...but not a surprise to the shipping team. --
30:00 30:22 Call In Garages and Coyote Wall Concert [✓]
30:02 30:10 Video/Image ^ Performance by Coyote Wall --
30:02 30:05 Music ^ Raven Song --
30:05 30:09 Music ^ My Baby Wouldn't Pass a Turing Test --
30:10 30:10 Video/Image Yana introduces the Garages --
30:10 30:22 Video/Image Performance by The Garages --
30:10 30:14 Music ^ To the One Percent --
30:14 30:18 Music ^ Vanessa Tables --
30:18 30:22 Music ^ Firewalker With Me --
30:22 30:22 Video/Image Yana plugging band merch --
30:24 30:24 Promo Andrew plugging Fourth Strike Bandcamp and merch --
30:25 30:26 Prize Info Andrew discusses The Garages Prize Pack Giveaway --
30:26 31:46 Drive/Giveaway $6.66 Giveaway for: The Garages Prize Pack - Raised $4,841.82 Twoflower
30:27 -- Meme URGGGH --
30:27 30:29 Music Mandolin version of Tequila --
30:28 30:32 Discussion Emily's Sweater Update and Emily tells a viewer how to store extra yarn [✓]
30:30 30:31 Music Cursed Mario Music --
30:32 -- Enter/Exit Jordan enters --
30:32 -- Milestone $170,000 Get! --
30:33 30:33 RDP RDP: 2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) - Lizzo
30:34 30:36 Story Jordan has too many GunPla being delivered [✓]
30:37 -- Driver Change Emily in Drivers Seat --
30:37 30:38 Roll Call Currently available Night Watch members available for challenges --
30:38 30:41 Story Corey talks about his motorcycles
30:37 -- Enter/Exit ^ Matt leaves --
30:38 30:41 Music ^ Driving mix from Parappa --
30:38 -- Video/Image ^ Photo of Corey's motorcycle --
30:42 30:42 Discussion Does Andrew still have the globe that he got from that shady Russian guy
30:42 30:44 Music ^ Ra-ra Rasputin instrumental --
30:42 -- Enter/Exit ^ Matt returns --
30:42 -- Driver Change ^ Matt in Drivers Seat --
30:42 30:43 Shoutout Shoutout to all viewers who are disabled, visible or otherwise. We see you.
30:42 -- Enter/Exit Emily Leaves --
30:43 -- Driver Change Ian swaps for Matt so Matt can eat --
30:43 -- Enter/Exit Ian returns --
30:44 30:44 Discussion The dangers of ordering food while at Desert Bus --
30:45 30:48 Story Ian's favorite story of letting out the Magic Smoke
30:45 30:49 Music What's going on - Shoji Meguro --
30:48 30:50 Behind the Scenes Ben explaining what the mic noises are and why Graham was unmuted unexpectedly
30:47 -- Enter/Exit Graham returns --
30:50 30:50 Discussion v Andrew reveals that his shirt is actually the loading screen for Adobe Photoshop 7, not FF7 --
30:51 30:52 Discussion Graham shows off his daily bus themed shirt and has questions [✓]
30:51 -- Meme ^ Wow --
30:52 30:55 Photos How's it going Kolin? Why is your mic not working? Talk about photos. --
30:54 -- Physical ^ Kolin gets very close to Graham's chest, Andrew joins the hugs, and Ian photobombs --
30:55 30:56 RDP RDP: The Disaster of Passion - Guilty Gear Strive
30:57 30:58 Discussion Ben has a burning need to show Ian a song from Guilty Gear --
30:58 -- Music ^ Mirror of the World (Baiken's Theme) --
30:58 -- Video/Image ^ video from game --
30:58 31:02 Prize Info Reminder about the surprise The Garages giveaway --
31:02 31:16 Discussion What RDP songs are your favourites which have been in the list the longest
31:05 -- Discussion ^ Jordan: D.A.N.C.E. by Justice --
31:06 -- Discussion ^ Ben: A.B.C. by the Jackson 5 --
31:06 -- Discussion ^ Andrew: Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs --
31:07 -- Discussion ^ Andrew: Endless Fantasy by Anamanaguchi --
31:08 -- Shoutout ^ Graham welcomes raiders --
31:09 -- Discussion ^ Graham wants to submit the Out Run remix next year --
31:11 -- Burn! ^ "Ben is a submission machine" --
31:10 -- Discussion ^ Submission criteria --
31:17 31:17 RDP RDP Troll: Opus no. 1 - Tim Carleton & Darrick Deel
31:17 -- Prank "Please Say on the line, your call is important to us" --
31:17 -- Game Event Bus Stop by Ian --
31:18 -- Meme WHAAAAT - Lil Jon --
31:19 -- Meme YAAAA - LIL JON --
31:20 -- Enter/Exit Andrew leaves --
31:19 31:20 RDP RDP: Sweet Talker - Years & Years, Galantis
31:21 31:34 Discussion Share a favorite memory from Road Quest
31:22 31:23 Music ^ Road Quest Theme --
31:22 -- Discussion ^ Ben - "When we made Alex lose his mind" --
31:23 31:25 Music ^ Wide Angle Shot (Road Quest soundtrack) - Big Giant Circles --
31:31 -- Video/Image ^ The "last time we saw a car" bit from Road Quest --
31:25 -- Discussion ^ Ian - Losing Saabine --
31:27 -- Discussion ^ Graham - The Cranberry Connector --
31:27 -- Enter/Exit Matt returns --
31:34 -- Enter/Exit Andrew returns, as does Julie --
31:35 31:37 Discussion Best place in town for Sushi
31:35 -- Meme awkwardfart.wav --
31:37 31:47 Discussion Favourite beers, in particular fruited sours
31:38 -- Discussion ^ Graham: Everything from Fieldhouse --
31:39 -- Discussion ^ Jordan: Urban Family --
31:39 -- Discussion ^ Max: Ile Sauvage --
31:39 -- Discussion ^ Andrew: Twin Sails Stiff Peaks IPA --
31:39 -- Discussion ^ Ian: Sooke Oceanside Brewing Dry Graf (Hybrid Theory) --
31:40 -- Discussion ^ Matt: Not a fan of Sours, but Raspberry Ale if he had to choose --
31:40 -- Meme ^ Rimshot --
31:41 -- Discussion ^ Graham: Non-alcoholic beers: Partake --
31:41 31:45 Music ^ Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask --
31:42 -- Discussion ^ Matt: 3 Dogs Beech In Heat Lemon Radler --
31:43 -- Discussion ^ Brett (local beer professional): Field House Brewing / talks about local beer scene --
31:43 -- Enter/Exit Brett enters --
31:44 -- Shoutout Graham welcomes raiders --
31:46 -- Meme MGS alert into Spicy X2 --
31:47 31:48 Shoutout Twoflower is a dev of Arcade Spirits, and long-time LRR fan
31:47 32:07 Music Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask --
31:48 31:49 Discussion Graham laments the loss of forums, informs the chat that all LRR podcasts are available on RSS feeds as well as Apple Podcasts and Spotify --
31:49 31:53 Discussion Beer Talk part 2
31:50 -- Enter/Exit ^ Andrew leaving to pack up a prize --
31:51 -- Meme ^ What?! - Lil Jon --
31:51 -- Discussion ^ Beers/Drinks named after LRR crew --
31:52 -- Discussion ^ Cameron Lager --
31:52 -- Discussion ^ Graham Stout --
31:53 -- Discussion ^ Kathleen de Beer --
31:52 -- Discussion ^ Malt Wiggins --
31:52 -- Discussion ^ Beej Dairy --
31:52 -- Discussion ^ Jeremy Porter --
31:52 -- Discussion ^ Gin & Turner --
31:53 -- Discussion ^ Alex Space Tea / Ale X --
31:54 31:58 Discussion Q: Graham, how is the Olympic Mascots video going? A: OH BOY
31:57 -- Discussion ^ Mr. Blobby --
31:58 31:58 PSA Ways to donate --
31:58 32:01 Promo Fangamer Shirt and Desert Bus merch! --
31:59 -- Video/Image ^ This years shirt on the Fangamer Website --
31:59 -- Promo ^ Merchandise at --
32:00 -- Video/Image ^ Desert Bus store Website --
32:01 32:04 Prize Info Silent Auctions: Hand Painted DB Shift-Themed Gunpla, USS Tucson Cross Stitch Poster --
32:04 -- Meme Belopa! --
32:05 -- Burn! "It's missing an 'H' in 'Wine O'Clock'" --
32:06 32:12 Discussion Ian besmirched the honor of Matt's Boy - the Double Zeta Gundam
31:55 -- Enter/Exit Brett leaves --
32:08 -- Discussion ^ What country is this Gundam from? --
32:08 -- Video/Image ^ Horse Gundam horse pilot going through the suit-up process
32:12 -- Meme WHAT - Lil Jon --
32:12 32:21 Game This or That: This That or The Other version! Crapshot, Seinfeld episode, or Mathematical Theorem
32:13 -- Meme ^ YEAH - Lil Jon --
32:13 -- Game ^ The Ham Sandwich --
32:13 -- Game ^ The Doodle --
32:14 -- Game ^ The Butterfly --
32:15 -- Game ^ The Donut --
32:15 -- Game ^ The Wobbly Table --
32:16 -- Game ^ The Beard --
32:16 -- Game ^ The Bachelor --
32:17 -- Game ^ The Prisoner --
32:17 -- Game ^ The Squeeze --
32:17 -- Game ^ The Opposite --
32:18 -- Game ^ The Happy Ending --
32:19 -- Game Bonus Round: All the rest are two of the three --
32:19 -- Game ^ The Package --
32:19 -- Game ^ The Secretary --
32:20 -- Game ^ The Sandwich --
32:20 -- Game ^ The Handshake --
32:21 32:24 Discussion Origins of the Rules of Desert Bus - The 7% Rule
32:12 32:21 Music Seinfeld Theme --
32:24 33:44 Drive/Giveaway $8.53 Giveaway for: Desert Bags - Raised $8,692.07 JaymicUnyielding
32:26 32:29 Music Ocarina of Time Shop theme --
32:28 -- Enter/Exit Julie is back. "In pog form" --
32:28 -- Enter/Exit Graham leaves --
32:29 32:31 Music Trombone Champ Wii Shop Theme --
32:29 32:30 Physical Julie is back in pog form and Andrew tried and failed to crawl under the camera shot
32:30 -- Burn! Jordan to Matt "You are the WORST co-pilot in the history of Co-Pilots" --
32:31 -- Enter/Exit Andrew enters --
32:31 32:36 Discussion Andrew and Max explain what's going on in Blaseball at the moment
32:31 32:36 Music Mario Theme? --
32:34 -- Enter/Exit Graham returns --
32:36 -- Game Event Bug Splat! --
32:36 32:37 Burn! Graham condemns the Shetlands
32:37 -- Meme ^ Vine slam? --
32:38 32:38 Physical Andrew shows off his Charleston Shoe Thieves jacket --
32:38 32:39 Roll Call Jordan, Ian, Julie, Andrew, Graham, Matt, Max play with the Night Watch banner green screen
32:39 32:40 Physical ^ Graham is the DVD logo on the back screen --
32:41 -- Burn! "I was watching you misread my cues and did not help you" - Andrew to Jordan --
32:41 -- Enter/Exit Jordan leaves --
32:42 32:43 Skit Folk remedies for diseases that don't exist
32:43 32:55 Music Max - it's Fiddle O'Clock
32:43 32:47 Music ^ Drifting Hawks - Max / The Iron Man - James Scott Skinner --
32:49 -- Game Event Bus stop --
32:49 32:53 Music ^ The Mathematician - James Scott Skinner - --
32:53 32:55 Music ^ Log Drivers Waltz - Wade Hemsworth --
32:56 32:57 Discussion Thanks for Max's Fiddling and Max's socials --
32:57 32:59 Discussion Jordan may or may not be able to do makeup later --
32:59 -- Milestone $180,000! --
32:59 33:00 RDP RDP: Physical (Feat. Gwen Stefani) (Mark Ronson Remix) - Dua Lipa
33:01 33:02 Discussion Troll RDPs, The Cisco hold music, and making friends with your dorm chef
33:02 33:14 Dump Truck DUMP TRUCK: Guanabana Juice
33:03 33:10 Music ^ Mario Party --
33:03 -- Food ^ Rubicon Exotic Guanabana Juice --
33:03 -- Meme ^ Manmana! --
33:04 -- Reading ^ Reading the label --
33:07 -- Discussion ^ Pronouncing the name --
33:09 -- Discussion ^ Crew impressions on taste --
33:11 -- Discussion ^ Past Dump Trucks --
33:13 -- Discussion ^ Squishy Baff --
33:14 -- Meltdown ^ Non-newtonian gamer baff water --
33:14 -- Meme ^ Roblox OOOOFFFFF --
33:15 33:17 Discussion The origins of "Based" - Lil B --
33:16 33:21 Music ??? --
33:17 33:18 Prize Info The Desert Bag Giveaway is plugged --
33:18 33:23 Discussion Circling back to Graham's Best Concert Experiences
33:21 -- Discussion ^ Beastie Boys, Cribs, Death Cab, & Franz Ferdinand --
33:23 33:27 Discussion Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and Cyberpunk 2077
33:27 33:28 Music Yakety Sax - Boots Randolph (Benny Hill Theme) --
33:28 33:32 Meltdown Giving Zeta the banners, and making sure Beej is wearing clothes
33:29 -- Meme ^ URGH --
33:29 -- Meme ^ Among Us sus --
33:30 -- Physical ^ Beej dies off-screen --
33:31 33:32 Discussion ^ Why is Beej shirtless so often? --
33:32 33:32 Meme Michael Jackson Mii Channel --
33:32 33:33 RDP RDP: Hey Baby (Feat. Gia Koka) - Imanbek, & Afrojack
33:34 33:38 Reading Reading things to the tune of the TMNT theme from @wiki_tmnt
33:34 33:35 Music The TMNT Theme --
33:35 33:38 Music ??? --
33:37 -- Meme Mic 5! --
33:37 33:44 Discussion Cartoon Music Themes, and other TV Theme Sequences
33:42 -- Crash Right Crash - Ian --
33:42 -- Meme Beej Drop --
33:43 33:43 Video/Image The Transformers 1984 opening Theme --
33:44 -- Meme Graham, want to take that again? --
33:44 -- Meme OK! - Lil Jon --
33:45 -- Game Event New Driver Name - BREMDAN --
33:45 33:48 Discussion What are chicken nuggets shaped like?
33:46 -- Game Event ^ Bus Stop! - Ian --
33:46 -- Video/Image ^ Jordan shows off the Nugs not Drugs sign --
33:48 33:49 Discussion ^ Explaining the origins of internet memes --
33:50 33:54 Discussion Flash Games and Shorts You Miss
33:50 33:56 Music Wii Shop but with strings? --
33:54 33:56 Video/Image Ben feeds DB Neopets
33:54 33:56 Discussion Andrew wants Ben to feed him on Neopets
33:57 33:58 Discussion Translating Ian, dubs vs localizations
33:57 34:00 Poster Poster Update! Now with Goblin Pee!
34:00 34:03 Behind the Scenes Night Watch invades Zeta (Behind the Scenes)
34:00 34:03 Shift Change Night Watch transitions to Zeta Shift [✓]
34:00 -- Video/Image ^ Nightwatch banner --
34:01 -- Video/Image ^ Zeta Banner --
34:01 34:03 Music ^ Stacey's ghostbusters --
34:02 -- Physical ^ Night Watch throws the shift banners up on the green screen wall --
34:01 34:02 Technical The bus appeared to be crashed --
34:01 -- Driver Change Cori became Driver, paul tried to steal the wheel and won --
34:03 34:05 Roll Call Beej, Paul, Cori, Matthews, PJ, Jen, and Sarah --
34:05 34:05 Discussion Beej lost his groove, and is disconcerted --
34:05 34:06 Physical Rotate the cushions!
34:06 34:06 RDP RDP: Lionhearted - Porter Robinson FT. Urban Cone
34:06 -- Prank Ian put the Button in the cushion. Expected results occurred. --
34:06 34:07 Discussion The result of taking a cushion you are handed --
34:07 34:08 RDP RDP: Good Time - Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen
34:07 34:08 Discussion IS it always a good time? --
34:08 -- Shoutout Molly Lewis made the mashups for Zeta --
34:09 34:11 PSA Hall of the BeejSA Day 2, now with more content
34:09 -- Music ^ In the Hall of the Mountain King --
34:11 34:13 Discussion Applause built in is nice, and Beej, logs in as Cam --
34:13 34:17 Prize Info Silent Auctions, last two hours: Hand Painted DB Shift-Themed Gunpla, USS Tucson Cross Stitch Poster --
34:13 -- Discussion ^ Please don't put the silent auctions in the hopper --
34:14 -- Discussion ^ Ferrero Rocher - A slice of Nutella --
34:14 -- Crash Paul crashed on the right, but then reloaded the virtual bus (malfunction?) --
34:17 34:19 Discussion Nutella kraft singles exist
34:16 36:00 Music Animal Crossing background music, various --
34:19 34:24 Prize Info Tonights giveaway reveal, Pac-man x Orlinski statue, Thwomp Throw, War of the Spark uncut sheet --
34:22 -- Discussion ^ What if Thwomps were warm and covering --
34:23 36:42 Drive/Giveaway $10.21 Giveaway for: War of the Spark uncut rare/mythic sheet - Raised $6,299.57 Blepharic
34:24 -- Discussion ^ we don't talk about Beej's drinking problem --
34:26 -- Technical Sarah cut in, but was muted --
34:26 34:26 Prank ^ Sarah makes a pun on the crew who are trying to decide on a donation amount --
34:26 -- Meltdown Beej screams at the prankers, good thing he muted his mic --
34:26 34:29 Discussion Now all Zeta has to do is sit back and let the money roll in
34:29 -- Shoutout The tech team for the bus cam working smoothly --
34:29 34:37 Discussion What is time, what is date, time is irrelevant on the Bus
34:30 -- Story ^ Beej's first Desert Bus --
34:33 -- Story ^ Beej is not in Japan, he has the receipts --
34:34 -- Discussion ^ What happens during Beej stories --
34:35 -- Discussion ^ Beej may someday forget hitting Ian with his car; Cori and Paul disagree --
34:37 34:37 Discussion What are we gonna do now? --
34:37 34:40 Discussion Paul got Chinese food, his fortune was depressingly reasonable
34:37 34:37 Physical Beej moves the Zeta banner to be more visible --
34:40 34:42 Meltdown Zeta Transition challenge? it failed
34:41 34:41 Video/Image Zeta transition wipe --
34:41 34:42 Video/Image Sega-styled "Zeta" intro screen --
34:42 34:42 Discussion Sega needs to do better --
34:42 35:07 Discussion Advice for visiting Japan, from Cori and Beej
34:55 -- Discussion ^ Beej and Heather might go back to Japan someday --
34:55 -- Discussion ^ There's a seating fee at many bars in Japan --
34:56 -- Discussion ^ Yokohama Ramen Museum --
34:58 -- Discussion ^ Cori discusses other fun museums to visit in Japan --
35:00 -- Discussion ^ It was $50 for a bunch of Pokémon plushes --
35:02 -- Discussion ^ Beej found a luggage shop in Akihabara to bring said plushies back home --
35:03 -- Discussion ^ Beej threw out all his clothing --
35:04 -- Discussion ^ Beej recommends washing laundry on trips --
35:07 35:14 Discussion Beej wants Norwegian Kroner on the overlay
35:07 -- Milestone ^ $185,000 reached! --
35:07 35:08 Prize Info ^ Call out to the current Uncut Sheet giveaway --
35:08 -- Discussion ^ Beej Doesn't know how to contact people --
35:09 -- Discussion ^ Sarah wants to send the web techs a message --
35:09 -- Meltdown ^ Beej feels shame for slack --
35:10 -- Discussion ^ Slack is not a metaphor, Slack actually exists! --
35:10 -- Other ^ Ian's beeping --
35:11 -- Meltdown ^ Julie wants to know if Beej is okay --
35:11 -- Meltdown ^ It's only day 2 --
35:13 -- Meltdown ^ Beej is being loud, so his watch is mocking him --
35:13 -- Discussion ^ Beej washes the dishes --
35:14 -- Discussion Beej's heart rate is 99 --
35:14 35:16 Prize Info Silent auctions: Hand Painted DB Shift-Themed Gunpla, USS Tucson Cross Stitch Poster --
35:14 -- Enter/Exit Beej runs away in shame to get more water --
35:16 -- Enter/Exit Beej returns worried everyone forgot him --
35:16 35:25 Discussion What has Beej done now?
35:18 -- Discussion ^ The first step in correct spelling is getting the right number of letters --
35:19 -- Discussion ^ Beej found the button on the floor --
35:19 -- Discussion ^ Beej may have just found the Pinny Arcade button --
35:20 -- Physical ^ Beej picks up a pin --
35:21 -- Discussion ^ It was just a pin, Beej did not in fact find the RDP button --
35:21 -- Discussion ^ Decoys and not running RDP's for no reason --
35:22 -- Discussion ^ Ian roasted the button --
35:22 -- Discussion ^ Beej again inspects the cushion for the RDP button --
35:22 -- Discussion ^ Beej caresses the cushion --
35:23 35:24 RDP RDP: Telephone - Lady Gaga Ft. Beyoncé
35:24 -- Discussion ^ Beej has found the button; it was in the cushion all along --
35:25 -- Discussion ^ Beej is pirating Major League Baseball --
35:25 35:33 Discussion Who has old relatives that refuse to give up a landline?
35:27 -- Discussion ^ Cori has older relatives who have changed their phone numbers and not told her --
35:27 -- Discussion ^ Beej has relatives who also don't want to give up their cable tv --
35:29 -- Discussion ^ Cori's aunt had a sports cable package despite not having a tv --
35:29 -- Discussion ^ Streaming service interfaces --
35:32 -- Discussion ^ Apple Tv used to be "better" --
35:33 35:33 Physical Beej "Fixes" the banners
35:33 -- PSA Use your Prime Twitch subscription --
35:34 35:46 Discussion Naming NPC's for a viewer D&D game pigeondoverose
35:37 -- Discussion ^ Paul wants to see a centaur rogue --
35:39 -- Discussion ^ Paul's friend had an orc bard who carried a player piano --
35:42 -- Discussion ^ Dubstep bard: When the drop hits, the party gets a buff --
35:44 -- Discussion ^ Beej plans to hit on all the goblins, to stop his parties adopting them --
35:44 -- Discussion ^ Beej HAD other challenges, but we're talking about Semolo Plateau now --
35:46 35:47 Other Seven veils, um... --
35:47 -- Driver Change Cori takes over --
35:47 35:49 Prize Info Pitching the Uncut sheet, and how Rare it really is --
35:49 35:52 Discussion Magic, magic, magic, magic --
35:49 35:50 Physical Beej randomly dancing --
35:52 35:53 Discussion Paul picking a song --
35:53 35:57 Song Paul Sings: Marching Inland - Tom Lewis
35:53 -- Physical ^ Beej turns all the banners upside-down, but there's no tape on the bottom edge, so they just flop down and face towards the wall --
35:54 -- Meltdown ^ Paul forgot the song --
35:56 -- Physical ^ Beej sticks the banners up on an offscreen wall --
35:57 35:59 Discussion Should we return the banners we don't need?
35:58 -- Enter/Exit Beej goes to maybe return banners? Who knows --
35:58 -- Discussion ^ Was Beej's dance thing supposed to be alluring? --
35:59 36:05 Discussion What is a Sea Shanty, and sailors shortening words
36:00 -- Discussion ^ Sailors love to shorten words --
36:00 36:28 Music Animal Crossing Chilled Day Music Compilation --
36:01 -- Prize Info Silent auctions finished --
36:01 -- Prize Info The uncut sheet has under half-an-hour left --
36:01 -- Discussion ^ What's people's deal with boatswain/bosun? and other shortened ship phrases --
36:03 -- Discussion ^ There's more words that get weirdly shortened --
36:04 -- Enter/Exit Beej returns, without pictures or proof, so leaves again --
36:05 -- Shoutout emthemarvelous with $4,321 for one of the silent auctions --
36:05 36:06 Discussion Paul gets tripped up if he tries to sing while reading chat --
36:06 -- Enter/Exit Beej Returns again, then breaks a thing --
36:07 36:15 Discussion Beej's phone stand grips to the phone when he lifts it at the wrong (but convenient) angle
36:08 -- Song ^ Paul briefly parodies TMBG's "Shoehorn with Teeth" as "Phone Stand with Teeth" --
36:08 -- Discussion ^ Slack is talking, but ignoring Beej --
36:10 -- Meme ^ Beej compares something to FF14, the meme emerges --
36:10 -- Discussion ^^ Beej remembers the McDonalds order meme --
36:12 -- Discussion ^^ Our brains have a knack for remembering the most useless things (so long as we're invested in them) --
36:13 -- Discussion ^ Cori, was sad about Mcdonalds Music, does Paul know Mack the Knife? Can Engineering find the song? --
36:15 36:19 Prize Info New Silent Auctions: Amigurumi Shift Jackalopes, Pokemon Themed Backpack --
36:19 36:28 Discussion After 25 years of Pokemon anime, Ash has finally won! And Paul's Pokemon adventure
36:20 -- Discussion ^ Paul discusses playing Pokemon Gold/Silver with his brother --
36:23 -- Discussion ^ We all betrayed Paul by not telling him about the fifth guy after the Elite Four --
36:23 38:07 Drive/Giveaway $5.25 Giveaway for: PAC-MAN x Orlinski Statues - Raised $1,160.25 Hey... Vampire Crates!
36:24 -- PSA Only 5 minutes left on the War of the Spark Uncut Rare/Mythic Sheet #1 --
36:26 -- Discussion ^ Paul picked Cyndaquil as his starter, which is apparently hard mode --
36:28 36:32 Video/Image Mack The Knife - Ella Fitzgerald
36:32 36:42 Discussion Ella Fitzgerald's Mack the Knife and costume actors
36:32 -- Discussion ^ It's a song about a mass murderer who stabs people! --
36:33 -- Discussion ^ Beej reads an article about changes for this version of the song --
36:33 -- Discussion ^^ Ella Fitzgerald won a Grammy for forgetting the lyrics to the song and making up an ending --
36:35 -- Discussion ^ Mack the Knife's origins lie in The Threepenny Opera by Brecht --
36:36 -- Discussion ^ McDonalds, and Mac Tonight (portrayed by prolific monster actor Doug Jones) --
36:36 -- Discussion ^ Talk about Doug Jones' roles --
36:38 -- Video/Image ^ Image of Doug Jones with the moon --
36:39 -- Discussion ^ Doctor Who and people wearing heavy makeup and costumes --
36:39 -- Discussion ^^ Not many people can tolerate heavy costuming and makeup, so when you find someone who can, you hire them a LOT --
36:41 -- Discussion ^ Jim Carrey and training for the Grinch --
36:42 -- Shoutout Shoutout to Card Kingdom for supplying the uncut sheet about to be given away --
36:42 36:45 Discussion Drawing the Give away, New pacman giveaway, and donation totals --
36:43 -- Prize Info PAC-MAN x Orlinski statues giveaway is in progress --
36:44 -- Driver Change Beej takes over for Cori --
36:45 -- Enter/Exit Cori disappeared like a rocket --
36:45 36:50 Discussion Upcoming launches and why they happen in November
36:47 -- Discussion ^ It's hard to conceptualize how fast things with rockets on them move --
36:49 -- Discussion ^ F1 cars look like they take the corners slowly, but it's all relative --
36:49 -- Discussion ^ Beej "I have watched a lot of war footage this year" --
36:50 37:08 Discussion Beej teased a bus stop in-game, he ALMOST made it, but went too far. Onward!
36:50 -- Discussion ^ Paul has had real-life buses do this to him --
36:51 -- Discussion ^ Beej's woes with Victoria public transit --
36:53 -- Discussion ^^ Don't run after a bus in winter! It's not worth it. --
36:53 -- Discussion ^ There are tires on phone poles, so Buses don't break them in the winter --
36:54 -- Discussion ^ Beej "We have reached a tense armistice with winter" --
36:56 -- Discussion ^ There are probably enough Albertans in Victoria that they're used to driving in snow and ice --
36:56 -- Burn! ^^ You can tell the Albertans because they all have big trucks they won't get rid of --
36:58 -- Enter/Exit Cori comes back drifting heel toe --
36:58 -- Discussion ^ Discussing driving unfamiliar vehicles, especially in winter --
37:00 -- Discussion ^ Cori "It's like High Heels for cars" --
37:00 -- Discussion ^ Armed and Dangerous starring John Candy in a dress and heels for physics --
37:02 -- Discussion ^ Beej Family Vacations: the Arizona Science Center, and climbing a wall like Batman takes core strength --
37:04 -- Discussion ^ Ab workout equipment adverts --
37:06 -- Prank GOOD MUG --
37:07 37:09 Discussion Cori feels excluded from the YouTube thumbnails
37:08 -- Discussion ^ Beej doesn't get ANY Zeta recs in the algorithm, he only gets suggestions to watch other shifts --
37:09 -- Discussion ^ Beej can only remember Zeta in sequential order: "Like a linked list!" --
37:09 37:19 Story Beej tells the story of The Littlest Variable... again? Oh no.
37:16 -- Discussion ^ "The moral of the story is: don't fall asleep in Computer Science class!" --
37:17 -- Discussion ^ Cori gives notes --
37:18 -- Discussion ^^ The first telling was 13 minutes, this was about 7, Paul figures Beej should keep halving the time --
37:19 -- Other Silence --
37:19 37:22 Discussion Beej's experiences of computer science class
37:22 -- Enter/Exit Paul leaves to cycle some fluids --
37:22 -- Prank GOOD MUG --
37:22 37:22 Discussion Talking about Cori's mug --
37:22 -- Promo Bricksplodes is planned for 4am --
37:23 37:33 Discussion A lot of things have happened that we can't talk about, but we CAN talk about merch!
37:23 -- PSA ^ BUY MERCH, the shirt might be sold out in some sizes --
37:25 -- PSA ^ All posters from the store should be the same dimensions - get in touch if they aren't --
37:28 -- Discussion ^ This year's DBloon is "a more Matt experience"; Matt has not been informed of this --
37:29 -- Discussion ^ Tantusar's shirt design is also in the LRR store, it's a great, clean design! And we pay our artists! (We have absolutely no vested interest. ~ definitely not Tantusar) --
37:29 -- Discussion ^ Beej needs a Horse --
37:31 -- Discussion ^ There isn't an easy way to do a poll on twitch, because Beej doesn't know how to use twitch --
37:31 -- Enter/Exit Paul comes back --
37:32 -- Prize Info ^ PAC-MAN x Orlinski statues giveaway is in progress --
37:33 -- Driver Change Paul Becomes Driver --
37:33 -- Enter/Exit Cori ducks out for water, Beej also leaves to Blue Sky --
37:33 37:42 Discussion Paul asks chat what's going on
37:33 -- Discussion ^ Paul has no point of comparison, so how does chat think Zeta is going this year? --
37:34 -- Enter/Exit ^ Cori returns --
37:35 -- Discussion ^ "It keeps happening" is a solid three-word descriptor for Zeta --
37:35 -- Discussion ^ Cori describes past Zeta experience --
37:36 -- Discussion ^ Zeta would be great if it wasn't from 0000 to 0600 --
37:37 -- Discussion ^ Paul thinks it's nice to have a different shift, and see different people --
37:38 -- Discussion ^ Has anyone collected all four shifts? Likely James --
37:39 -- Discussion ^ The energy of Night Watch scares Sarah, it's a little intense! --
37:40 -- Burn! ^ Do mods count? Cori: "No, Ken Ohki. I've seen how some of you live." --
37:41 -- Discussion ^^ Paul likes the response "HEY! Oh that's actually fair..." --
37:41 -- Discussion ^ The Desert Bus effect. "I don't remember this, wait, why was I on the couch." --
37:42 37:46 Discussion Cori likes to change the background, and a discussion about RDP Buttons
37:43 -- Discussion ^ Ian "fixed" the button, by putting it in a bag --
37:43 -- Enter/Exit ^ Beej is back --
37:44 -- Discussion ^ A digression on the word Button --
37:45 -- Discussion ^ Beej wants a crank-operated button, finds out that already happened, now wants a rip-started one --
37:46 -- Discussion ^ Beej was never told about the multiplying Button situation --
37:47 -- Promo Bricks start at 4 bus time, after the Thwomp throw blanket giveaway starts (Thwomp sound!) --
37:47 37:49 Discussion Beej didn't bring a chicken
37:48 -- Discussion ^ You know what would wake you up? Physical activity! --
37:48 -- Physical ^ Beej embraces a couch cushion --
37:49 37:49 RDP RDP: Bubble Pop - Hyuna
37:49 37:51 Discussion Challenge: What do Pac-Man pellets taste like?
37:50 -- Discussion ^ Consensus is: very sweet --
37:51 -- Discussion Beej only has the option to reject challenges? No, it's just the UI --
37:52 37:53 Discussion Challenge: Someone wants a number between 1 and 500 for a scarf pattern
37:51 -- Physical ^ Cori rolls 9, 1, 9: Beej makes the executive decision to interpret it as 199 --
37:54 38:04 Discussion Donald Duck's tantrums and other funny bugs/quirks in Disney Dreamlight Valley
37:56 -- Discussion ^ Game creation is hard, even for Disney, who has all the money --
37:57 -- Discussion ^ Linden Labs (the Second Life devs) must be feeling pretty good about the failure of the Metaverse --
37:58 -- Prize Info PAC-MAN x Orlinski Statues giveaway is about to end! --
37:58 -- Discussion ^ Does Pac-Man have legs? And other Pac-Man related discussion --
37:59 -- Discussion ^ Discussion loops back to Dreamlight Valley --
38:03 -- Burn! ^^ "Cori, you're a level 5 with me." " It goes up to 10." Beej and Cori --
38:04 39:51 Drive/Giveaway $7.05 Giveaway for: Thwomp Throw - Raised $8,248.50 Kwaussie_Viking
38:07 -- Meme ^ URGH --
38:07 38:08 Meltdown We've just hit $199 000, Beej was startled --
38:08 38:11 Discussion Watching the overlay number go BRR to $200k
38:10 38:11 RDP RDP: Ghost of You - Mimi Webb
38:10 -- Milestone 200k get! --
38:11 38:12 Discussion Paul keeps accidentally cropping himself out of his RDP shots. --
38:12 38:20 Story Beej was invited to a club just after 9/11, and danced with Jim Creeggan at a BNL concert
38:20 38:59 🗣️ Keep Talking 🧱💥 💥 Keep Talking and Nobody Bricksplodes💥 Part 2: 🗣️ Paul reads 🧱 Beej builds 🏘️ Cori "architecturally commentates" Worked on model 3, stopped after Step 12
38:46 -- Crash ^ Bus stopped responding, and CRASHed. Whoops. --
38:48 -- Game Event ^ New driver name: GAZEBO --
38:47 -- Driver Change ^ Paul takes control of the bus to recover --
38:49 -- Enter/Exit ^ Beej and Cori step out for a moment --
38:50 -- Meme ^ URGH x2 --
38:50 -- Prize Info ^ Giveaway for Thwomp Throw is still happening --
38:51 -- Enter/Exit ^ Beej and Cori return --
38:51 -- Game Event ^ Paul gets a Bus Stop! --
38:59 39:01 Discussion ^ Post-Bricksplode discussion of how many more steps there are to go --
39:01 39:05 Prize Info Silent auctions: Amigurumi Shift Jackalopes and Pokemon Themed Backpack --
39:06 -- Driver Change Beej takes over for Paul --
39:07 -- Meme URGH --
39:07 39:07 Discussion Zeta is hitting most of the nightly goals! Good job! --
39:07 39:09 Discussion Discussing Cori's architectural commentary
39:09 39:15 Reading How to take care of your pet rock/gazebo
39:10 -- Burn! ^ Beej: "What's the closest thing in this room I have that's closest to a rock?" Cori: "Yourself." --
39:15 39:42 Discussion Gazebos, funny terminology and Canadianisms
39:19 -- Meltdown ^ Chat posted pergola, startling everyone --
39:21 -- Discussion ^ Yurts and other funny architecture terms --
39:23 -- Discussion ^ Basements and attics --
39:25 -- Discussion ^ What is a belvedere? --
39:28 -- Burn! ^ "If you're looking around the room and you don't see the pergola, it's you!" - Cori --
39:28 -- Discussion ^ Belvedere sounds like a Canadianism, discussing words that are assumed to be regional to Canada but aren't --
39:31 -- Discussion ^^ It's hard to recognize your regional-ism terms because you're immersed in them. --
39:38 -- Discussion ^ Yiddish has a lot of great words for things --
39:40 -- Discussion ^ PAX Australia experiences on word meaning --
39:42 -- Meme URGH x2 --
39:42 -- Prize Info 3 minutes left to enter for Thwomp Throw --
39:42 39:51 Discussion When will LoadingReadyRun come to my neck of the woods?
39:43 -- Burn! ^ "Maybe not Cleveland." - Beej --
39:45 -- Discussion ^ You should talk to con organisers about who they should invite. --
39:47 -- Discussion ^ Road Quest: Australia has been suggested. Driving through Australia, no, but driving TO Australia/Antarctica might be fun! --
39:48 -- Discussion ^ Why you have to run laps on the boat to Antarctica --
39:50 -- Discussion ^ It gets REALLY cold in Ukraine --
39:51 -- Meme URGH x2 --
39:52 39:53 Discussion It'd really suck if $8,248.50 fell on your head. (It's a lot of nickels.)
39:53 39:56 Discussion Appreciating current total, and the potential final total, DB feels unreal
39:56 -- PSA Stream WILL go down during transition to Dawn Guard --
39:57 40:00 Discussion How is Gazebo doing? Controls for Desert Bus --
40:00 -- Driver Change Dawn Guard took control of bus (It's Carrie) --
40:00 -- Video/Image Zeta Banner --
40:00 -- Technical Stream offline briefly, as advertised --
40:01 -- Video/Image Dawn Guard Banner --
40:02 40:03 Shift Change Dawn Guard wakes up Carrie as they enter singing their theme
40:03 40:04 Discussion ^ Carrie was here all night and all day lunch talk --
40:04 40:06 Roll Call Dawn Guard roll call, with coffee opinions!
40:06 -- Discussion We could not do this without chat --
40:07 40:09 🏈 Sports Prediction 🥌 Updates on yesterday's bets
40:09 -- Prize Info Showing of Art Challenge Prize - T-shirt (Ashton not included) --
40:08 -- Promo Minecraft server update coming in the last hour of Dawn Guard --
40:10 40:12 Discussion Kate updates the room on the Banner saga
40:12 45:35 Drive/Giveaway Art Challenge for: DB2022 Fangamer T-Shirt - Memorialize Paul, who has sadly departed Dawn Guard MaybeTara --
40:15 40:17 Physical James rotates the banners, somehow only Dawn Guard remains
40:15 -- Music ^ Numberwang Theme --
40:16 -- Discussion ^ James incriminates Zeta Shift --
40:16 -- Promo Coffee Pong is being delayed "for reasons you will see shortly" --
40:17 40:18 Discussion The shifts people have been on --
40:17 -- Enter/Exit James returns --
40:17 40:18 Discussion James poured "fresh" coffee on his way back from shenanigans with shift banners. --
40:18 40:26 Discussion What the room did after Dawn Guard shift
40:19 -- Story ^ Carrie's poutine ordering mishap --
40:20 -- Discussion ^ Diet during Desert Bus --
40:21 -- Story ^ Kate's cat Finnegan brought friends over while she was away --
40:24 -- Story ^ Serge has been working out --
40:25 -- Story ^ Liz went for Mai Tais with Mikey --
40:26 40:47 🏓 Coffee Pong ☕ Coffee Pong 2022 Day 2 James [✓]
40:27 40:48 Behind the Scenes Coffee Pong Day 2: Highlight Reel
40:26 -- Physical ^ Setting up the pong table and mugs --
40:27 -- Music ^ Night Vision Coffee by MDrift314 plays for a short second --
40:28 -- Song ^ Carrie sings "Carrot carrot pong, carrot pong, carrot pong!" but stops there --
40:29 -- Discussion ^ It's impressive how Serge gets the same amount of coffee in every cup --
40:31 -- Discussion ^ Carrie pretends to steal a cup of coffee, Serge says "Bad Carrie!" --
40:32 -- Video/Image ^ Last Time on Coffee Pong...
40:34 -- Physical ^ Dr Ref Ashton inspects the setup... --
40:34 -- Physical ^ Dr Ref Ashton introduces a Bounce Zone in the middle of table due to adverse table conditions --
40:35 40:38 Music ^ Night Vision Coffee - MDrift314 --
40:35 -- Game ^ James basket the first shot, 1-0 James --
40:36 -- Physical ^ Liz makes a spectacular catch of some kitchen roll --
40:36 -- Game ^ Serge ties it up, 1-1 Tie! --
40:38 -- Game ^ Serge takes 2-1 lead --
40:38 -- Discussion ^ James requests Night Vision Coffee be played again as it ends. --
40:38 -- Game ^ James ties it up at 2-2 --
40:38 40:45 Music Ain't Nothin' Like a Funky Beat - Hideki Naganuma --
40:39 -- Game ^ James hits for 3-2 lead --
40:40 -- Discussion ^ James asks for a rule check, Dr Ref Ashton penalizes him for not knowing the rules --
40:40 -- Game ^ James loses a turn --
40:40 -- Game ^ Serge ties it up at 3-3 --
40:40 -- Game ^ James scores again, 4-3 James --
40:40 -- Technical ^ Camera view to a close up on the table for a few shots, then back out to room --
40:42 -- Game ^ James hit a no-bouncer and takes 5-3 James --
40:42 -- Milestone Wingdings $205k --
40:42 -- Game ^ Penalty to Serge for calling it a comeback again --
40:43 -- Game ^ Serge takes a point!🗄-🗐 (5-4) James --
40:44 -- Game ^ Serge hits 2 in 3 shots to tie it at 🗄-🗄 (5-5) --
40:44 -- Game ^ James gets the winning shot! ⌛-🗄 (6-5) James --
40:44 -- Enter/Exit ^ James walks out --
40:44 -- Prank ^ Carrie steals James's final cup --
40:45 -- Discussion ^ Post Coffee Pong talk, Ashley is proud of James --
40:45 -- Discussion ^ James left on a victory lap, found shirtless beej, it is a known occurrence --
40:47 -- Physical ^ Post-Pong clean up. --
40:48 40:48 Discussion The feeling Serge has inside --
40:48 40:52 Prize Info Silent auctions: Amigurumi Shift Jackalopes and Pokemon Themed Backpack --
40:49 40:51 Music Wii Shop --
40:53 40:53 Discussion Carrie chooses the word Pokeball --
40:53 42:00 Drive/Giveaway $5.29 Giveaway for: Shift Themed Pokeball Embroideries - Raised $3,835.25 embyrr_the_dragon
40:53 40:55 Music Pokémon Theme Tune --
40:55 40:59 PSA Reminder of the Art Challenge to Memorialize Paul --
40:56 -- PSA ^ Check that your donor account is linked to your email address! --
40:58 -- Shoutout ^ Shoutout to Mike Buland, overnight tech! --
40:58 40:59 Song ^ This is not the greatest Paul in the world, this is just a tribute --
40:59 41:00 Discussion No dance party button! They're free! --
41:00 41:02 Meme A challenge for James to sing the Caillou theme for $50
41:00 -- Discussion ^ James: "But then I'm gonna get wet!" Serge: "You wanna take that again, Turner?" --
41:00 -- Prank ^ Indeed, James got sprinkled with water from a glass --
41:00 -- Behind the Scenes Caillou water time! #shorts
41:02 -- Enter/Exit Liz goes to hunt down The Button --
41:02 41:03 Discussion The Button should be in Studio A, Beej may still be in there practicing guitar --
41:03 41:04 Discussion James challenges chat to donate $50 each for Caillou --
41:04 41:06 Discussion Talking about what is upcoming --
41:06 41:06 Discussion Carrie stole James' coffee! --
41:06 41:06 Discussion Do we want to bring it up or bring it down? --
41:06 -- Physical ^ James jumps up and does a dance move to "break it down" --
41:06 41:08 Discussion The button is in the cushion, requires some surgery to replace batteries
41:08 41:08 Prize Info Giveaway for the Shift Themed Pokeball Embroideries still ongoing --
41:09 41:10 RDP RDP: Chandelier - Sia
41:10 41:12 Story Liz tells how she found Beej and the button
41:12 41:12 RDP RDP: Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny
41:12 41:13 Dance v Dance like Serge challenge --
41:13 41:13 RDP RDP: Elle Me Dit - Mika
41:14 41:16 Discussion Rejecting and completing challenges
41:14 41:33 Music BGM 2 [Menu Song 2 & Area Map]- D4DJ OST --
41:15 -- Discussion ^ Kate and Liz talk about shoe wings --
41:16 41:16 Discussion The banner was always here --
41:17 41:26 Discussion The room shares an interesting fact about themselves that nobody would know
41:18 -- Discussion ^ Showing off James' replacement shift banners, Kevin cam is hard to control
41:20 -- Meme Rimshot --
41:21 41:21 PSA Giveaway is still ongoing for Shift Themed Pokeball Embroideries --
41:21 -- Discussion ^ Returning to a fact others might not know about each person on shift --
41:26 41:47 Discussion What internet rabbit holes have you fallen into recently?
41:26 -- Discussion ^ Carrie is watching perfectly repaired clothes --
41:27 -- Discussion ^ Kate is into James Webb Telescope images --
41:31 -- Discussion ^ Liz & Ashton are watching marble competitions --
41:34 -- Discussion ^ Serge is playing Final Fantasy 14 --
41:38 41:47 Discussion Watching / Commentating on Jelle's Marble races [✓]
41:38 41:47 Video/Image ^ Jelle's Marble Runs
41:46 41:47 Technical Frames are being dropped all over the place --
41:47 -- Meltdown ^ The room protests when their favourite doesn't win --
41:47 -- Crash Carrie is so disappointed about Iceberg losing that she crashes on the left, savestate reloaded --
41:48 41:50 Prize Info Shift Themed Pokeball Embroideries --
41:49 41:51 Music Jason Paige - Pokémon Theme --
41:50 41:53 Discussion The history of the Desert Bus 4-shift structure
41:53 42:00 Discussion James challenges chat to reach $210k in 2 minutes, and he'll do 4 dances in a row --
41:53 -- Driver Change Ashton takes control so Carrie can take a break --
41:54 -- Milestone $210k --
41:54 41:55 RDP RDP: Love Story (80's Remix) - Taylor Swift
41:55 41:56 RDP RDP: Take On Me - Reel Big Fish
41:56 41:57 RDP RDP: Permission to Dance - BTS
41:57 41:57 RDP RDP: All Night - Icona Pop
41:58 -- Discussion ^ The challenge to do ten dances (or two full songs of dancing) if they reach $250k by end of shift still stands! --
41:59 -- Discussion ^ Serge and James negotiate the amount of RDP allowed at the early hours of Dawn Guard --
42:01 -- Promo ART Challenge for: DB2022 Fangamer T-Shirt - Memorialize Paul, who has sadly departed Dawn Guard, and incoming Family Feud --
42:01 42:03 Discussion Ask Serge Anything
42:03 -- Discussion Room fights over the chair and organizes for game time --
42:04 -- Driver Change Carrie gets to drive again and the chair --
42:04 42:05 Promo Idle Championship codes will be given out --
42:04 42:07 Music BGM 2 [Menu Song 2 & Area Map]- D4DJ OST --
42:05 42:33 Morning Game Show Dawn Guard Game Show #2: Family Feud #1 Noy2222
42:07 -- Discussion ^ Team names are chosen: Team The Best (Liz, Serge & Ashley) vs. Team The Bester (Carrie, Ashton & Kate) --
42:08 -- Discussion ^ James explains the rules of the feud --
42:07 Music ^ Family Feud Theme --
42:10 -- Game ^ Q1: Name a way to cool off during a hot summer day (77 pts to team The Best -- 77-0) Team The Best --
42:13 -- Game ^ Q2: Name something you need to play D&D (83 pts to team The Best -- 160-0) Team The Best --
42:15 -- Technical ^ Creativity/imagination breaks the box --
42:15 -- Meltdown ^ Liz breaks down over "a group of humans". "On Earth we call them friends" --
42:17 -- Game ^ Q3: Which fictional lawyer would you like to defend you in court? (113 pts to team The Best --273-0) Team The Best (steal!) --
42:21 -- Game ^ Q4: Name something the Trix Rabbit has and you don't (132 pts to team The Best -- 405-0) Team The Best (steal!) --
42:24 -- Technical ^ 4 people thought the Trix Rabbit has Lionel Hutz? --
42:25 -- Game ^ Fast Money -- Serge gets 169 pts, Liz gets 60 pts - Total of 229 pts Team The Best!!! --
42:34 42:35 Discussion What is and is not a muppet?
42:35 -- Meme ^ The more you know ... --
42:35 -- Meltdown ^ Ashley needs to be excused --
42:35 42:36 Discussion What happened to the banners? They're all here.
42:36 42:41 Discussion Ideal breakfasts and Canadian bacon
42:38 -- Discussion ^ What is Canadian bacon? --
42:38 -- Story ^ Kate tells a story about having to procure Canadian bacon for her brother's wedding --
42:41 -- Discussion ^ Pizza toppings --
42:41 42:44 Promo James reminds chat about the current art challenge, and merch --
42:42 -- Shoutout Shoutout to Fangamer for the shirt --
42:44 -- Shoutout Fangamer Drops $5K --
42:44 42:45 RDP RDP: Why Do I - Set It Off, Hatsune Miku
42:44 -- Milestone $215k --
42:45 -- Enter/Exit Ashley leaves to walk the dog --
42:46 -- Promo Idle Championship codes will be given out, Liz Story Hour, Fashion Show and Minecraft Tour --
42:47 42:49 Discussion How tired and hungry is everyone?
42:49 -- Shoutout Fangamer drops $13,272.05 --
42:50 -- Milestone $225k --
42:50 42:50 RDP RDP: Light It Up - Major Lazer ft. Nyla & Fuse ODG
42:50 42:51 RDP RDP: All Night - Prizm
42:51 42:54 Discussion Serge figures out how to use a Mac: Make James do it --
42:54 42:57 Discussion Challenge: Say Nice Things About Ourselves
42:57 43:03 Discussion If we were action figures, what would our accessory be?
42:58 -- Meme ^ Rimshot --
43:02 -- Discussion Serge rants about coffee in anime (Rants about inaccuracies in media)
43:03 43:05 Discussion ^ More rants about inaccuracies in media --
43:05 43:06 Discussion Serge provides an update on Jo bringing his butter chicken --
43:06 43:12 Discussion What is your Canadian-level superpower?
43:12 -- Physical Serge does a barrel roll
43:12 44:00 Drive/Giveaway $5.47 Giveaway for: Desert Bus Trio 2022 - Raised $2986.62 Nuclearstuille
43:13 -- Music Wii Sports Theme - Kazumi Totaka --
43:16 43:18 Prize Info Silent Auctions for Amigurumi Shift Jackalopes and Pokemon Themed Backpack are ending soon --
43:18 43:18 Promo 1 hour left on ART Challenge for: DB2022 Fangamer T-Shirt - Memorialize Paul, who has sadly departed Dawn Guard --
43:19 43:19 Milestone 230k get --
43:20 43:20 RDP RDP: History Maker - Dean Fujioka
43:20 43:21 Discussion James finally landed the Quad Axel in competition --
43:21 43:24 Discussion Carrie talks about Zeta Shift and transfer negotiations to swap with Paul
43:23 -- Technical Strange noises - Serge asks whether it was a milkshake noise but it wasn't meant to be live audio --
43:25 43:25 Promo Giveaway for the desert bus trio --
43:25 43:27 Discussion Can the room do something that sounds good?
43:26 -- Song ^ ASMR Caillou --
43:27 -- Prank ^ Ashton leaves to get a spray bottle since Ashley isn't there and James hides --
43:28 43:35 Discussion Travel advice for a trip to Japan
43:31 -- Discussion ^ Ask the weebs --
43:31 43:33 Promo ^ Idle Champions Code Drop
43:33 -- Discussion ^ What the room would like to do when in Japan --
43:35 -- Enter/Exit James has intercepted Serge's Butter Chicken; Serge pursues --
43:35 43:39 Discussion Chaos as Serge chases after James, who has hidden the butter chicken
43:37 -- Physical Liz does a very slow barrel roll --
43:38 -- Promo Upcoming storytime with Liz --
43:39 43:41 Physical Carrie is in a pillow fort
43:40 43:42 Music Thats All of it - Mario Party 2 --
43:41 -- Crash Carrie crashed whilst in the pillow fort, savestate reloaded --
43:42 43:43 Prize Info Desert Bus Trio 2022 #1 Nail Polish --
43:43 Music Deep Focus Music --
43:47 43:48 Discussion Did chat take a Vacation taken to watch Desert Bus? --
43:48 -- Enter/Exit Serge Returns --
43:49 -- Discussion Serge promoted a challenge to reject it and generic coffee talk --
43:48 43:49 Discussion Serge talks about where James hid his butter chicken --
43:50 43:53 Discussion Generic Coffee Talk with Dawn Guard
43:54 43:55 Discussion James wants to create chaos --
43:54 43:56 Promo Storytime with Liz, Dawn Guard Fashion Fest, Minecraft Tour coming up later --
43:56 -- Discussion James steals Serge's bit --
43:56 43:58 Discussion Ranking of favourite pies
43:57 -- Discussion ^ Serge's revenge as pizza shows up --
43:57 -- Enter/Exit James and Ashton leave to eat pizza --
43:58 43:58 Prize Info Two hours left on Silent Auctions --
43:59 44:00 Promo Liz time is upon us, lots of feels --
44:00 44:02 Discussion How to make a radioactive sandwich
44:02 -- Shoutout Pharmacist Judge won a silent auction --
44:03 44:04 Discussion Serge is a cinnamon roll --
44:04 -- Milestone $235k --
44:04 44:05 Shoutout ekimekim ruins the total for Serge
44:06 -- Milestone $235235: Team Order --
44:06 44:07 Discussion Recipe talk with Kate --
44:07 44:07 Shoutout Saphling (she/her) is Serge's favorite chat member
44:07 44:10 Discussion Chat trolls Serge with the total --
44:08 -- Meme ^ Rimshot --
44:08 44:10 Discussion Talk about boundaries as a performer
44:10 -- Milestone Team Order $235,532; Eerie Howling new favorite chat member --
44:10 44:10 Shoutout Friendship with Saphling ended, Eerie Howling is now Serge's best friend.
44:10 44:10 Discussion v Serge challenges chat to make him order food? --
44:10 44:11 Discussion Serge compliments Carrie ( Serge challenges chat for a food order and compliments Carrie )
44:11 44:12 Promo What's left on Dawn Guard --
44:12 44:13 Discussion Experiencing pie and ice cream --
44:13 44:14 Discussion The room attempts to says nice on 3, and busses it up every possible way
44:14 44:28 Story Feels time with Liz
44:21 -- Music ^ Inspirational Hopeful Music --
44:25 -- Physical ^ Liz demands hugs <3 --
44:28 -- Discussion $10 672 to get to the next team order number --
44:28 -- Enter/Exit Liz exits --
44:28 -- Promo Art Challenge is almost over --
44:29 -- Driver Change Ashton takes the controller --
44:29 44:29 Discussion Serge reads a challenge where he orders food for the room Tikosh
44:30 44:31 Discussion Kate asks James about vinyl --
44:31 -- Enter/Exit Emily enters with baby (Lewis) --
44:31 44:32 Discussion Emily is not happy that food has been hidden
44:32 44:33 Discussion Emily answers questions about Louis --
44:33 44:40 Physical Dawn Guard Fashion Show [✓]
44:33 44:40 Music ^ Absolute Beginners - David Bowie --
44:33 -- Physical ^ Emily shows off her kid --
44:34 -- Physical ^ Kate shows off her socks --
44:34 -- Enter/Exit ^ Emily and Baby Lewis leave stage --
44:35 -- Physical ^ Serge shows off his Hope Shield --
44:35 -- Physical ^ Ashton shows off his monster socks --
44:35 -- Physical ^ Carrie shows up as Dino Carrie --
44:36 -- Physical ^ James shows of a Hamilton watch --
44:37 -- Physical ^ Boomer is a raccoon --
44:37 -- Enter/Exit ^ Emily and Baby Lewis return --
44:37 -- Physical ^ Ashley shows off her hero ring to remember her grandparents --
44:38 -- Video/Image ^ Kelly in a fancy hedgehog kigurumi and desert bus earrings --
44:39 -- Video/Image ^ Az shows off their kitsune kimono --
44:39 -- Physical ^ Liz has baby Yoda socks --
44:40 45:55 Drive/Giveaway $6.52 Giveaway for: Leather Dice Bag and Rolling Tray - Raised: $6832.96 NightBook1
44:40 -- Music Bang Dream Area Music - Pokemon X/Y --
44:43 44:46 Prize Info Silent Auctions: Omega Beaded Pendant & Earring Set and Pokemon Legends: Arceus Box Art Cross-Stitch --
44:46 -- Discussion There are alot of colors --
44:47 44:47 Discussion Serge can't math before butter chicken --
44:48 44:48 Discussion Most wonderful sound on the microphone --
44:48 44:52 Skit Acting out other shifts intros
44:52 -- Discussion ^ Night Watch has been rebranded Night Guard --
44:53 44:53 Discussion Serge honour-system completes getting a pumpkin pie --
44:53 44:56 Discussion The room talks about their superpower and nemesis
44:56 44:59 Discussion Serge accepts and rejects challenges again --
44:58 -- Discussion ^ Serge rejects Hosk's challenge to eat healthy --
44:59 -- Driver Change Liz takes over from Ashton --
44:58 45:10 Behind the Scenes Minecraft Server - The Great Raid of 2022 (VST produced behind the scenes clip)
44:59 45:12 ⛏ Minecraft Server 🪵 Minecraft Time! First check-in on the Dawn Guard Server
45:00 -- Technical ^ There are some issues getting the minecraft laptop feed --
45:02 45:12 Music ^ Pigstep - Lena Raine --
45:04 -- Prank ^ James names all the cows James --
45:02 -- Video/Image ^ Donate written with stone blocks in Minecraft --
45:12 45:13 Prize Info Little under 30 minutes left on Leather Dice Bag and Rolling Tray --
45:13 44:14 Promo What happened to Paul? (Not on Dawn Guard) --
45:14 45:15 Discussion Serge goes over more challenges, and Dawn Guard is now about Food --
45:15 45:21 Discussion Everyone's C Tier Superpower and Nemesis
45:15 -- Enter/Exit Ashley and Carrie enter --
45:19 -- Driver Change James returns and takes over from Liz --
45:19 -- Enter/Exit Enter James, Exit Liz --
45:21 -- Enter/Exit Serge and Ashton leave to judge art contest, Liz returns from judging --
45:21 45:25 Reading James Reads out donation names --
45:21 45:22 Discussion James gives Watch Buying Advice
45:23 -- Meme "ok, boomer" --
45:23 45:29 Discussion Liz asks about colours
45:23 45:25 Reading ^ James ASMR thanks donations as they come in --
45:25 -- Milestone 242k!!! --
45:26 45:26 RDP RDP: IRL - Fickle Friends
45:26 -- Enter/Exit Serge and Ashton enter --
45:27 45:28 Discussion Serge thanks chat for the submissions and is out of breath --
45:28 45:29 Discussion Back to talking about colors, and which one to not see anymore --
45:29 45:35 Discussion Results of the Tribute to Paul Art Challenge
45:29 -- Video/Image ^ Runner up: Paul the Scientist happy_harp --
45:30 -- Video/Image ^ Runner up: Shrine of Paul Dal --
45:30 -- Video/Image ^ Runner up: TehAmelie --
45:31 -- Video/Image ^ Third Place: Sailor Saint Paul TeapotMimic --
45:31 -- Video/Image ^ Second Place: Paul Ascends to the Pearly Gates of Zeta Ancient Chaos --
45:32 -- Video/Image ^ Winner: Haul Away Paul (Haul Away Joe cover) MaybeTara --
45:35 -- Discussion ^ Aftertalk of the art challenge --
45:36 45:38 Discussion discussion about raised amount and James being wrong --
45:38 45:39 Reading Serge reads a letter from a fan
45:38 -- Meme Airhorn --
45:39 45:39 Prize Info Little under 30 seconds left on Leather Dice Bag and Rolling Tray --
45:39 45:40 Discussion James whispers into the lapel, Serge calls for a ban on lapels
45:40 -- Meme ❗ (Metal Gear Solid alert sfx) --
45:40 45:46 Discussion Different methods to pick cafes and restaurants while traveling
45:42 -- Discussion ^ Being nice while travelling --
45:44 -- Discussion ^ How to pick places based on what cars are outside --
45:46 45:49 Discussion Rejecting the next 6 challenges but accepting the 7th: Serge tells facts about the others on the shift that are off by one
45:49 45:50 Discussion ^ Serge finds a paradox: reject the next challenge // accept the previous challenge
45:50 45:52 Discussion Shift Recap for today's Dawn Guard
45:52 -- Milestone Team Order: $243342, OutofScrubs new favorite
45:55 45:56 RDP RDP: The Beachstie Boys - Kevin Miller
45:56 45:57 Discussion Serge got Japanese coffee from the kindness faerie
45:57 -- Milestone ^Team Order: $246810 raised, Mr.Horrible gets new favorite title --
45:57 45:58 RDP RDP Troll: Our House - Madness / GameGrumps
45:56 45:58 Discussion What's the exit strategy? Our House! In the middle of Our House! --
45:58 46:01 Video/Image Dawn Guard outro: Coffee Pong recap
46:01 -- Shift Change Alpha Flight Intro --
46:01 46:03 Video/Image Alpha Flight Intro Day 2: X-Files Parody
46:03 -- Driver Change Mikey is at the wheel --
46:03 46:04 Prize Info The Mystery Suitcase! (It's Full of Japan)
46:03 47:35 Supercut The Mystery Suitcase
46:04 46:05 Discussion Creation of The Alpha Flight Intro
46:05 46:06 Discussion Lewis is Visiting Alpha Flight today --
46:06 46:07 Discussion Mikey doesn't care about Desert Bus, he just wants to raise money
46:07 46:14 Physical Stretch Time! Japanese Radio Calisthenics
46:09 46:10 Discussion ^ How to Fold Gyoza properly, and Significances --
46:10 46:13 Video/Image ^ Video with Japanese Radio Calisthenics --
46:14 47:35 Drive/Giveaway $6.51 Giveaway for: Mystery Suitcase!? - Raised $55543.32 I.M.Gibbon --
46:14 46:23 Prize Info Going over the Mystery Suitcase, as per the schedule approved by ISO
46:16 -- Burn! ^ ISO (assumably Joe) taking a dig at Jacob over scheduling --
46:18 46:21 Music ^ 50's/Game show style Wii Shop Channel --
46:18 -- Discussion ^ Jacob does a good job of not actually showing much of the contents of the suitcase --
46:21 -- Discussion ^ Erika not as much --
46:25 46:28 Music Merry-Go-Round of Life lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:26 -- Physical Cameron can lift the suitcase, confirmed --
46:28 -- Milestone Blew past $250,000 shortly ago, now well past $255,000 --
46:29 46:29 RDP RDP: Call Your Girlfriend - Robyn
46:29 -- Milestone Now past $260,000... --
46:29 46:30 RDP RDP: Impact - SG Lewis, Robyn, Channel Tres
46:30 -- Milestone $265,000... --
46:30 -- Discussion Jetlag Descriptions --
46:31 46:34 Music Path of the Wind lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:31 46:33 Discussion Jacob's World of Horror Shirt
46:31 -- Milestone $270,000... --
46:33 46:34 Discussion Things Jacob brought back for other Desert Bus Folks
46:34 -- Milestone $275,000... --
46:34 -- Enter/Exit Jacob exits to change shirt (and get throat goo) --
46:35 46:37 Reading Poetry Corner with Cameron
46:34 46:37 Music Always With Me lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:36 -- Milestone $280,000... --
46:37 46:40 Music A Town with an Ocean View lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:38 46:39 Discussion Affirmations to people not currently in the room
46:39 -- Enter/Exit Jacob returns --
46:38 -- Meme Reset the land stations rejected --
46:40 46:43 Music Mother lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:41 46:42 Discussion What's the overlay font? (it's Montserrat) --
46:41 -- Discussion ^ Origin of Wingdings --
46:42 -- Enter/Exit James enters to retrieve his mug, then stays for a bit --
46:43 -- Prank ^ James is not shipped with the suitcase --
46:43 46:45 Music Vapor Trails lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:43 -- Milestone $285,000, and it looks like it's slowed down by now. --
46:43 46:48 Discussion They crack open "Kathleen" to show James (and others) what is inside
46:44 -- Enter/Exit Liz pops in to say 'Holy Bus' about Jacob's suitcase --
46:44 -- Crash Mikey crashes the bus on the right, savestate reloaded --
46:45 -- Enter/Exit Kathleen has arrived --
46:45 46:48 Music Kiki's Delivery Service lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:47 46:48 Discussion Kathleen guesses where the Giveaway started at --
46:48 -- Prank ^ MIkey jokes about DB2023 Battle Pass --
46:48 46:53 Discussion Kathleen reclaimed the shift banner, and planning their revenge response
46:48 46:51 Music ^ Carrying You lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:49 -- Discussion ^ Banner Thefts --
46:50 -- Discussion ^ "On the way out the door, we fill the couch with ticks." --
46:51 -- Discussion ^ Shadow War with Nightwatch or Proxy War via Zeta --
46:51 -- Discussion ^ Cameron reports that Zeta are rational actors --
46:51 46:55 Music Day of the River lo-fi remix (Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats) - Joe Hisaishi --
46:53 46:53 The Kindness War Kindness War Update --
46:53 -- Video/Image Engineering shows the graph of the Jacob Wall
46:54 -- Driver Change Cam takes over for Mikey --
46:54 -- Enter/Exit Mikey exits --
46:55 -- Enter/Exit Jacob briefly leaves and comes back with tissues --
46:55 47:16 Music Ongoing Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats loop --
46:55 46:57 Discussion Random NPC Names - Alpha Flight Edition
46:55 -- Meltdown Jacob getting overwhelmed by generosity --
46:56 -- Enter/Exit Mikey returns --
46:56 -- Driver Change Mikey takes back over --
46:57 46:57 Physical Re-hanging the Alpha Flight Banner --
46:57 -- Enter/Exit Jacob returns the suitcase mic to Engineering --
46:59 47:03 Prize Info Silent Auctions Review! Omega Beaded Pendant & Earring Set and Pokemon Legends: Arceus Box Art Cross-Stitch, and the ongoing giveaway --
47:03 -- Enter/Exit Jacob returned during Prize Info read --
47:04 -- Meltdown Jacob realises he has doomed the person writing the customs manifest (thanks Ashley!) --
47:05 47:09 The Kindness War Kindness War Plotting Continues
47:06 -- The Kindness War ^ Joe questions capacity to handle both Joe and Nightwatch --
47:09 -- Video/Image ^ AskWho posts Eyrie Leader card, which is then shown on screen
47:09 47:10 Discussion Root and its online client --
47:11 47:15 Promo promo - It's like Brigadoon, in the way that this merch collection only shows up once a year, hangs around a bit, and then disappears. --
47:15 47:20 Skit Jacob reads Gaius van Baelsar's Praetorium speech - UwU version
47:16 47:20 Music FFXIV - Footfalls (briefly) then The Ewer Brimmeth --
47:18 -- Milestone $300,000 earned --
47:19 -- Meltdown ^ Jacob breaks during UwU --
47:20 47:20 RDP RDP: Eat Sleep Dance - Moe Shop
47:21 47:30 Music Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats --
47:22 -- Physical A good old fashioned Side Hug
47:23 -- Enter/Exit Jacob goes to get food! (self care is important <3) --
47:23 -- Enter/Exit Erika exits --
47:23 47:27 Discussion The Rude Dude With Attitude Hour with Kathleen and Mikey
47:23 -- Prank ^ Kathleen tries to revolt against Engineering/ISO and fails --
47:24 -- Enter/Exit Cameron Enters --
47:25 -- Discussion ^ The suitcase is high quality, let's fill it with queso --
47:26 -- Enter/Exit Erika returns --
47:27 -- Enter/Exit Erika exits --
47:28 -- Enter/Exit Erika returns --
47:29 47:30 Discussion What are Kathleen's favorite songs to get lo-fi'ed?
47:30 -- Discussion Chicken or Fish? and other food discussions
47:30 47:37 Music The Girl from Ipanema and other lo-fi bossa nova --
47:30 -- Discussion ^ Pancakes or Waffles? --
47:32 -- Discussion ^ French toast isn't french --
47:33 47:35 Discussion One sentence questions from chat
47:35 47:36 Discussion Jacob finds out how much Suitcase raised
47:37 47:41 Discussion Setting up for D+B --
47:37 -- Driver Change Kathleen takes the wheel for Mikey --
47:39 47:41 Discussion Jacob lists his named appliances
47:40 -- Discussion ^ Poor Bread Astaire has passed away. They're on their way to the land of Ian --
47:41 48:22 Game DB DnD - Cameron DMs Day 2
47:41 48:24 Music Tavern/Inn Music - Fantasy Medieval Music (No Copyright) Vol. 2 --
47:50 -- Meme ^ Magellus von Schmellus --
47:53 -- Meme ^ Cam reads lewd book names in universe (There are Pun Crimes) --