Desert Bus 16 Chat Stats generated by pisg

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#desertbus @ stats by VST

Statistics generated on Tuesday 7 November 2023 - 21:16:15
During this 10-day reporting period, a total of 8266 different nicks were represented on #desertbus.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 RandomTrivia965301825471988 8518965301825471988 387594.628.4yesterday"It's probably time I detached myself from Chat. Gotta wind down soon as I have to go out to work in... Oh BUS, 8 hours. GifSmith, OUT. benginO7"
2 TXC2187035291245 6644187035291245 264124.022.6yesterday"here we GO!"
3 glmdgrielson105326842419 6181105326842419 310995.029.9yesterday"Push the button, Frank!"
4 Stormgod51918011493774157 586318011493774157 161562.814.5yesterday"one of the friedns"
5 RockPusher97481720561865 571297481720561865 258434.535.1yesterday"badpandabear mattlrSleep"
6 azninsect130443310002692 5429130443310002692 174603.218.6yesterday"TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity"
7 ElementalAlchemist67352717032274 517767352717032274 206604.022.0yesterday"We have more supervised locations (like the community IRC at where people still hang out"
8 PharaohBender2714541968958 445514541968958 220955.029.7yesterday"@RAICx Don't you mean stay on Target Kid? sparkl171Smug"
9 ATrophonian22612801461738 370522612801461738 129943.521.3yesterday""
10 Askwho43014861772 369743014861772 183855.032.1yesterday""
11 Anubis169111910001154 3348111910001154 145744.426.5yesterday"and why beds are a thing"
12 DigitalSeahorse44711091098421 307544711091098421 108003.525.9yesterday"good luck there"
13 CantWearHats3831419804366 29723831419804366 141654.826.4yesterday"our daughter, comrade"
14 Sarah_Serinde3301562691 25833301562691 179557.039.6yesterday"Okay remember chat, hold for stinger"
15 mtvcdm1635797611026 25291635797611026 168276.737.3yesterday"One final bump of the LRRCord:"
16 cgwonder2779131017258 24652779131017258 107644.424.8yesterday"FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown"
17 Nightbot445828701431 2405445828701431 7540131.4185.3yesterday"Please keep your emotes to 7 or fewer per message. Thanks!"
18 Oscelot328169886784 2167328169886784 113195.231.2yesterday"@smoke_knight it is indeed friday PST"
19 NdroFox273899949 2145273899949 120295.631.4yesterday"Thank you desert bus!"
20 ShoeboxWarrior115684416903 2118115684416903 82073.920.1yesterday"see you all next year!"
21 Mr_Horrible128379637857 2001128379637857 116325.835.0yesterday"stalalaJAM stalalaJAM stalalaJAM stalalaJAM stalalaJAM"
22 AdmiralMemo862949 190784862949 120436.336.5today"Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny"
23 ContingentCat113371859533 1876113371859533 91564.928.4yesterday"CRASH THAT BUS"
24 CaffeinatedLemur927933 1871927933 78324.223.5yesterday"lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART"
25 F1SHOR465543290557 1855465543290557 103385.629.5yesterday"the betrayal"
26 Foxmar3204361352 18344361352 52982.915.2yesterday"Thank you for an amazing run chat!"
27 t3h_f1gm3nt581625516 180381581625516 84494.725.2yesterday"@thetoastmonster the various community adjacent FF14 FC's all pitched in and catered the afterparty already"
28 amative1475985291 1776475985291 88065.028.4yesterday"Though with your sleep schedule, that might be a few "days""
29 electra310105485501655 1746105485501655 68193.923.2yesterday"Goodbye everyone, see you next year!"
30 MegaDosX1261591 17361261591 79254.624.6yesterday"This song sounds weird without the Linkin Park"
31 EleventhOcean87570572487 171687570572487 69394.024.1yesterday"As always, my heart feels *so* full."
32 SomebodyNowhere497204333680 1714497204333680 65383.819.5yesterday"our house in the middle of our house in the middle of our house"
33 BrowneePoints190537375585 1687190537375585 139978.345.7yesterday"Serge forgot matt ran marathons"
34 vellebastet518787346 1656518787346 46442.819.9yesterday"🤣🤣🤣"
35 kaib35370550712 1642370550712 134048.243.7yesterday"Thank you benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart"
36 sblue333389688523 1614389688523 84795.327.9yesterday"Zeta will not be a party to this"
37 Leonhart321287568557169 1581287568557169 103026.534.9yesterday"Medabots? Really? Well Plaid"
38 RAICx681574277 157846681574277 53803.426.5yesterday"Live it up, chat! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
39 SymphonicLolita125432874 1467125432874 50033.417.8yesterday"lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM"
40 princess_intell159478655169 1461159478655169 100896.937.3yesterday"next year in tuscon!!"
41 jibkat119360904 145269119360904 40122.822.7yesterday"Maple mattlrDogchamp Maple mattlrDogchamp"
42 oliverohman616160630 1441616160630 40732.815.0yesterday"Target kids!"
43 nickthecatbear553693142 143749553693142 63944.428.5yesterday"lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart"
44 Nefarious_Ned276519596 1391276519596 60484.324.3yesterday"Please troll"
45 NewtyNewts207440610 129437207440610 52704.122.7yesterday"CC# and the three FUNKY digits on the back"
46 fairyarmour282314570 120728231457041 58664.927.4yesterday"Into overtime LuvSign"
47 GDwarble638327235 1200638327235 102878.649.5yesterday"Yep, we're past 13"
48 TehAmelie372366259192 1189372366259192 1205410.154.3yesterday"spaace"
49 RoeDent89386504225 118538650422570 47104.020.5yesterday"My worlds are colliding"
50 targe0540236144256 1176540236144256 98868.442.5yesterday"Saint Bonko the Clown (Excommunicated)"
51 tajessa380370380 1144380370380 57715.027.8yesterday"NOTHING HAPPENED"
52 kinkerbellrose469455162 111428469455162 66896.032.7yesterday"We dunked on them for not knowing Only Connect, haha."
53 saucemaster5000250336490 110529250336490 69946.335.5yesterday"don't put this on us"
54 frustbox326464295 1103326464295 48564.426.5yesterday"see you next year, chat and bus! <3"
55 Kivipaperisakset230436218212 1096230436218212 66776.132.2yesterday"lil jon or thwomp?"
56 BtEtta207420427 1072207420427 73616.954.3yesterday"Tip for other GIFfers looping that. 30fps is your friend for loops."
57 GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou351394284 107142351394284 1443213.573.4yesterday"I feel like Ben could improv some pretty great mixes on there"
58 ExachixKitsune56734391 10676656734391 62755.934.8yesterday"drfox17 did you do this"
59 Emu_on_the_Loose158593271 105715859327135 59465.633.1yesterday"Goodbye everyone. Hopefully, we'll see each other next year. lrrAWESOME <3"
60 TacitusVigil305151566 1038305151566 70416.837.4yesterday"Beej continues to sleep."
61 margieargie96491385 10359649138563 71726.939.2yesterday"lrrHEART escher3FOX sugars5Luv sergeHeart"
62 Auntie_de_lluviel314515151 103454314515151 64666.335.8yesterday"Encore? Noncore!"
63 rrtycoon2565269122 101656526912260 67916.735.6yesterday"CRASH THAT BUS!!!!"
64 DeM0nFiRe98299288330 101598299288330 29512.916.8yesterday"sergeOffByOne"
65 DBVideoStrikeTeam249162201398 1010249162201398 1129311.266.7yesterday"What a way to close out that... "Maple Story""
66 DirectorStephanie210717 101021071780 44794.429.0yesterday"We love you Kate!"
67 teaandcharcoal190284522 997190284522 60166.031.0yesterday"touchdown!!!"
68 GhostValv86546297 9978654629768 20242.011.0yesterday"at least mocha wasn't bottom 5"
69 Izandai88846 9814188846 42714.426.1yesterday"This is just a Dark Souls fight with a mage PC."
70 TheAinMAP286281375 97533286281375 22482.320.8yesterday"FallWinning"
71 DainBread122282152405 961122282152405 55535.833.3yesterday"You heard 'em, Fangamer!"
72 Sorator13353207127274 961353207127274 66656.938.0yesterday"I did 20 squats too! My knees hurt."
73 red_shoes_jeff345320265 95929345320265 39944.228.5yesterday"lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS"
74 GhostofJeffGoldblum86165682 94986165682 50655.329.2yesterday"MATT DRINK WATER"
75 holo_raptor330205407 948330205407 27792.916.2yesterday"$55 to pushups, let's go"
76 damn_i_am_pretty111250553 93911125250553 41684.423.8yesterday"remember the Target Kids! Remember their sacrifice!"
77 MrSarkhan255254403 933255254403 29173.122.0yesterday"Fugi this is so good!"
78 LadyAtarka466158276 907466158276 41014.530.9today"ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love ladyat3Love"
79 SnackPak_152380327 89536152380327 19962.217.6yesterday"sergeOwl sergeOwl sergeOwl sergeOwl"
80 RebelliousUno233550106 892233550106 47385.328.1yesterday"I do like me some stats"
81 TheWanderingNomad129289438 875129289438 47155.430.7yesterday"Poor Wrinkles"
82 MoonWhing100318428 87428100318428 28893.317.1yesterday"waynerF waynerF waynerF"
83 ArtemisHuntress425237166 87345425237166 39494.527.4yesterday"Don't buy from The Dominion"
84 Dog_of_Myth287577 869287577 19032.212.9yesterday"LUL LUL LUL"
85 Carbonylcookie172227400 86364172227400 64137.442.6yesterday"A good bussing. See you next year, chat. <3"
86 Dix109267425 86110960267425 43145.027.2yesterday"Alright chat... this is me signing off. Take care of each other and see you next year!"
87 GoblinMyra433339 85543333978 28413.318.5yesterday"tqsHype tqsHype tqsHype tqsHype tqsHype"
88 IrrehensibleTJ94313362 8417294313362 52506.232.4yesterday"Omega Point"
89 Lysander_salamander279491 82138279491 28033.418.1yesterday"Is there a wiki for Target Kids?"
90 Ravynn93223452 8205293223452 36454.427.3yesterday"Yay Penelope"
91 Fluffy77689357334 8143489357334 41785.130.3yesterday"lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART"
92 drfox17289369153 812289369153 46645.732.0yesterday"!"
93 cassaclyzm187296323 807187296323 43255.431.7yesterday"Bonko the Clown (Re-Disgraced)"
94 nevermore913309118378 805309118378 32474.021.1yesterday"still going to theater camp"
95 sigmamorrigan368307129 804368307129 40355.030.2yesterday"Beej is asleep against a bookshelf"
96 SerranoShepard86288399 8002786288399 59757.541.6yesterday"Daaaaaaang. Put that on your resume, crafter."
97 SurfDownstage425149223 799425149223 21902.719.7yesterday"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
98 HedWund21624124297 79621624124297 38414.827.6yesterday"HypeApplause"
99 NikoSpud31638293 79231638293 51916.634.4yesterday"Duck Tales!"
100 the_lone_bard98272387 77498272387 1118314.480.1yesterday"I don't think I've ever heard someone say G'Day without it being part of a joke."

These didn't make it to the top:
ky0dar (772) tenthtechpriest (766) TheNerdySimulation (763) vickysaurus_mystax (745) Telnaior (743)
MomoNo9 (736) BigDaddyBland87 (715) MungoDude (712) beowuuf (708) jacqui_lantern234 (708)
PendelSteven (707) WhaddageekAU (702) ZeldaZach (699) Xcuube (698) TriseAlpha (697)
ReachW (697) chris365 (696) Tempest2097 (689) Pharmacistjudge (686) BusTed (686)
Irsaan (685) pimiento (676) laikagoat (669) seanmrwick (668) Pteraspidomorphi (663)
Sunidesus (659) josh___something (648) JoleneCoda (646) MrPhlip (635) constablecrab (633)
Vanbael (630) frostownik (622) chaosof99 (620) neisan2112 (613) conquerorwormie (609)
momtherjeff (607) smoke_knight (606) Slyguy46 (603) MikoKisai (599) Kumakaori (597)
yunalasca (596) gnome_friend (594) EBugle (591) caraamelie (588) iris_of_ether (587)
CapnHat (586) Suffix (577) Arclight_Dynamo (545) FirefuryAmahira (542) freshmaker__ (539)
ScooperNovaGirl (538) Wrexadecimal (536) matthaus_c (535) JqlGirl (532) YareNiDaze (532)
UntapUpkeepScrawww (531) DrPsychonaut (530) Viewers_Like_You (529) OldManJohnsonMB (522) nyoomgoom (522)
ButButTheJesus (510) OhaiMireiya (509) call_me_Aras (509) Serasent (505) JadedCynic (504)
Jace (500) grander_pastures (499) DiscordianTokkan (495) sugarymeep (490) elohim_3 (489)
fastlane250 (484) RemoraVox (481) TheArtGremblin (480) Austere_Squire (477) lukyhemee (472)
EJGRgunner (472) Tikosh_ (470) CobaltOnion (469) eDRoaCH (465) niccus (461)
dslucia (459) dookdookDal (457) Sibwow (455) NimrodXIV (452) SaxPython (450)
definenull (444) EikoandMog (442) wench_tacular (439) FenrisSchafer (439) SmithKurosaki (438)
Noy2222 (436) 3PlayerPolitics (428) eshplode (427) elmyra23 (425) Shadowsoflife (423)
Edgarware (422) bothendsburning (422) PbdotSA (422) a_guy_7 (420) Aenir798 (420)
NaenorKau (420) Lord_Hosk (414) ArmadilloAL (414) TastyLaksa (413) MajPepper (412)
the_lettter_s (412) Niahlah (411) generic_account_name (408) Rebornflames (408) A_Dub888 (408)
solarbirdz (406) Saphling (403) Storn42 (403) mostly_minerals (402) Middlegirl (402)
SharpCookies (401) Kiwijelly (401) Defrost (400) emptydoll (399) MaybeTara (396)
GazzyInferno (395) Meechan_ (394) raventhekittycat (394) thenerdemperor (391) Davecheesefish (389)
craftyskwrl (388) ArcticAtlantic (388) Fruan (387) AnihanShard (387) Krillin_fan (386)
DavidVerro (385) korvys (385) MrQBear (384) ShifuDaxiongmao (383) gentlekayden1000 (383)
DEATHlikescats (383) ekimekim (383) AmberLampLight (382) usmu1976 (381) IsaTheEngie (380)
KiloRomeo058 (379) EvilBadman (379) Easilycrazyhat (376) TheMadPunter (376) Dastar512 (374)
hidingbox (373) azureHaights (373) jessieimproved (373) drthvd3r (369) tinysuze2342 (366)
geckoinasuit (366) Jillexie (366) Fantusta (365) penemue_93 (364) gameslayer013 (362)
Thagnok (361) flatluigi (360) L0rdX33n (359) cthonicjay (358) bytecaster (357)
ladylinzington (356) Stellapacifica (356) Gate_Kept (356) KadmosTech (355) cdutson (354)
Didero (353) TheWriterAleph (350) shadowxviii (348) BeamTheChao (346) Pump19 (346)
Angelic_Bovines (345) gravity_pike (345) LariatWest (345) Juliamon (340) B4rberblacksheep (338)
secretbranch (338) PandoraFortuneCookie (337) lauph1tup (337) accountmadeforants (337) LambMower (336)
caimheul (336) laundreydhull (335) Saphire282 (334) jessicaengle (333) wulf_95 (332)
8_Bit_Unicorn (332) the_sub_ocean (330) ThorSokar (329) DesertBusUpdates (328) NovaCat13 (328)
rabbitgta (328) Omega_Lairon (327) TheWarbo (326) Halian_ (326) grgriffin3 (326)
TheMoatman (326) They_Are_Alyx (324) Ryxiene (324) Cieyrin (323) Jazzy_Josh (320)

By the way, there were 7966 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 TXC2 - 1870 TXC2 - 3529 RandomTrivia - 2547 Stormgod519 - 4157
2 azninsect - 1304 RandomTrivia - 3018 glmdgrielson - 2419 azninsect - 2692
3 Anubis169 - 1119 glmdgrielson - 2684 RockPusher - 2056 ElementalAlchemist - 2274
4 glmdgrielson - 1053 PharaohBender27 - 1454 PharaohBender27 - 1968 RandomTrivia - 1988
5 RockPusher - 974 CantWearHats - 1419 ElementalAlchemist - 1703 RockPusher - 1865
6 RandomTrivia - 965 ATrophonian - 1280 Sarah_Serinde - 1562 Askwho - 1772
7 ElementalAlchemist - 673 Stormgod519 - 1149 Askwho - 1486 MegaDosX - 1591
8 rrtycoon2 - 565 DigitalSeahorse - 1109 ATrophonian - 1461 Foxmar320 - 1352
9 targe0 - 540 Anubis169 - 1000 TXC2 - 1245 mtvcdm - 1026
10 SomebodyNowhere - 497 CaffeinatedLemur - 927 Anubis169 - 1154 PharaohBender27 - 958
11 MrPhlip - 478 cgwonder - 913 DigitalSeahorse - 1098 AdmiralMemo - 949
12 F1SHOR - 465 NdroFox - 899 cgwonder - 1017 jibkat - 904
13 DigitalSeahorse - 447 Nightbot - 828 azninsect - 1000 ShoeboxWarrior - 903
14 Nightbot - 445 RockPusher - 817 amative1 - 985 SymphonicLolita - 874
15 RoeDent89 - 386 ShoeboxWarrior - 684 NdroFox - 949 Mr_Horrible - 857
16 CantWearHats - 383 RAICx - 681 CaffeinatedLemur - 933 Izandai - 846
17 tajessa - 380 GDwarble - 638 Oscelot - 886 Oscelot - 784
18 TehAmelie - 372 oliverohman - 616 AdmiralMemo - 862 ATrophonian - 738
19 Sorator13 - 353 Emu_on_the_Loose - 593 ContingentCat - 859 kaib35 - 712
20 pimiento - 347 t3h_f1gm3nt - 581 CantWearHats - 804 Sarah_Serinde - 691
21 TheNerdySimulation - 346 mtvcdm - 579 vellebastet - 787 GhostofJeffGoldblum - 682
22 DrPsychonaut - 336 EleventhOcean - 570 mtvcdm - 761 SomebodyNowhere - 680
23 Oscelot - 328 Leonhart321 - 568 DirectorStephanie - 717 electra310 - 655
24 frustbox - 326 ExachixKitsune - 567 Nightbot - 701 oliverohman - 630
25 chris365 - 324 nickthecatbear - 553 nickthecatbear - 693 NewtyNewts - 610
26 NikoSpud - 316 RebelliousUno - 550 sblue333 - 688 Nefarious_Ned - 596
27 WhaddageekAU - 314 GhostValv - 546 princess_intell - 655 BrowneePoints - 585
28 vickysaurus_mystax - 311 F1SHOR - 543 Mr_Horrible - 637 Dog_of_Myth - 577
29 TacitusVigil - 305 BrowneePoints - 537 t3h_f1gm3nt - 625 TacitusVigil - 566
30 PbdotSA - 301 ElementalAlchemist - 527 RAICx - 574 F1SHOR - 557
31 Storn42 - 290 vellebastet - 518 EleventhOcean - 572 damn_i_am_pretty - 553
32 frostownik - 289 RoeDent89 - 504 fairyarmour - 570 ContingentCat - 533
33 Leonhart321 - 287 margieargie - 491 Leonhart321 - 557 sblue333 - 523
34 Telnaior - 283 electra310 - 485 kaib35 - 550 teaandcharcoal - 522
35 ky0dar - 283 princess_intell - 478 Nefarious_Ned - 519 t3h_f1gm3nt - 516
36 fairyarmour - 282 amative1 - 475 Auntie_de_lluviel - 515 Lysander_salamander - 491
37 cgwonder - 277 kinkerbellrose - 469 electra310 - 501 saucemaster5000 - 490
38 EvilBadman - 277 LadyAtarka - 466 kinkerbellrose - 455 EleventhOcean - 487
39 NdroFox - 273 frustbox - 464 NewtyNewts - 440 seanmrwick - 472
40 eDRoaCH - 272 Kivipaperisakset - 436 Foxmar320 - 436 Ravynn - 452
41 DBVideoStrikeTeam - 249 GoblinMyra - 433 SymphonicLolita - 432 Slyguy46 - 445
42 chaosof99 - 245 azninsect - 433 BtEtta - 427 TheWanderingNomad - 438
43 RebelliousUno - 233 Askwho - 430 ShoeboxWarrior - 416 Nightbot - 431
44 r10pez10 - 231 SurfDownstage - 425 JadedCynic - 396 sugarymeep - 429
45 Kivipaperisakset - 230 ArtemisHuntress - 425 GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou - 394 MoonWhing - 428
46 freshmaker__ - 228 BtEtta - 420 margieargie - 385 Dix - 425
47 ATrophonian - 226 Xcuube - 406 SnackPak_ - 380 tenthtechpriest - 424
48 Serasent - 224 beowuuf - 401 Stormgod519 - 377 jacqui_lantern234 - 423
49 HedWund - 216 laikagoat - 395 Tempest2097 - 377 DigitalSeahorse - 421
50 OhaiMireiya - 213 sblue333 - 389 BrowneePoints - 375 holo_raptor - 407

Big numbers
Is bosku stupid or just asking too many questions? 41.3% lines contained a question!
DerUser94 didn't know that much either. 38.7% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Shragon, who yelled 69.3% of the time!
Another old yeller was pyronils80, who shouted 64.2% of the time!
It seems that Furyfire's shift-key is hanging: 36.4% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Furyfire> HOLY CRAP

dreamshaper12 just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 33.3% of the time.
Pteraspidomorphi is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 1 times.
For example, like this:
     * Pteraspidomorphi slaps own back

TheWarbo can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor roof, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1 times.
For example, like this:
     * TheWarbo slaps roof of poster

own seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
ShifuDaxiongmao brings happiness to the world. 45.4% lines contained smiling faces. :)
pyronils80 isn't a sad person either, smiling 37.7% of the time.
GhostValv seems to be sad at the moment: 6.6% lines contained sad faces. :(
jnerdlin is also a sad person, crying 5.6% of the time.
DesertBusUpdates wrote the longest lines, averaging 267.6 letters per line.
#desertbus average was 32.1 letters per line.
kamelion84 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 8.3 characters per line.
xSpoonyBardx was tight-lipped, too, averaging 10.6 characters.
Nightbot spoke a total of 75401 words!
Nightbot's faithful follower, RandomTrivia, didn't speak so much: 38759 words.
CaptainAether wrote an average of 53.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.62 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 lrrSHINE 16194 RockPusher
2 there 6142 wulf_95
3 lrrHEART 5910 Gizmoloid
4 about 5138 Jace
5 imgur 5108 Ok_We_Live_Here_Now
6 lrrHORN 4739 r0cketf0x
7 think 4170 fairyarmour
8 James 4020 kaib35
9 would 3954 RockPusher
10 Jacob 3902 kaib35
11 Desert 3822 amative1
12 thank 3807 amative1
13 great 3747 Gledster
14 right 3567 nyoomgoom
15 still 3452 RockPusher
16 Serge 3417 sternocleidomasticator
17 benginDance 3246 RockPusher
18 amazing 3065 MyrddintheWizard
19 really 3051 NaenorKau
20 people 3012 ElementalAlchemist

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Ajony 932 kassbjames
2 andrew 846 ElementalAlchemist
3 wiggins 732 Krillin_fan
4 Ashton 637 BlueChloroplast
5 Fangamer 544 amative1
6 Fugi 535 100abrahamlincolns
7 desertbus 492 Jace
8 Askwho 423 MrMatternot
9 Kate 395 Thequickgreyfox
10 johnny 296 wildpeaks
11 TXC2 168 RockPusher
12 Dix 129 RandomTrivia
13 RandomTrivia 110 RockPusher
14 Pharmacistjudge 82 Stormgod519
15 glmdgrielson 74 TXC2
16 Suffix 71 RockPusher
17 Anubis169 56 CaffeinatedLemur
18 ElementalAlchemist 41 Sarah_Serinde
19 Noy2222 40 TXC2
20 Jigokuro 35 PharaohBender27

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 3280 RockPusher
2 :) 1418 Anubis169
3 :P 1059 Jace
4 :p 953 ElementalAlchemist
5 :( 549 Ajony
6 D: 355 Jace
7 ;) 238 countingku
8 \o/ 159 Jace
9 :> 66 Auntie_de_lluviel
10 ;p 53 Easilycrazyhat
11 :/ 47 Ayaron
12 T_T 36 conquerorwormie
13 ;_; 26 vidStrickland
14 ;D 24 frustbox
15 :-) 23 AdmiralMemo
16 -_- 22 cmdrud87
17 ;P 22 doubledbear
18 :-D 20 Riiiiiiis
19 (: 18 hell_errol
20 :-P 13 smashwilson

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 363 Nightbot
2 299 Nightbot
3 243 Nightbot
4 186 Nightbot
5 156 Nightbot
6 152 Nightbot
7 81 Nightbot
8 65 Nightbot
9 58 Noy2222
10 44 Nightbot
11 41 DesertBusUpdates
12 39 Nightbot
13 37 BtEtta
14 37 Nightbot
15 37 BtEtta
16 36 BtEtta
17 34 BtEtta
18 33 Nightbot
19 33 BtEtta
20 32 DesertBusUpdates

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #desertbus!
Wow, no op was taken on #desertbus!
Strange, no halfop was given on #desertbus!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #desertbus!
Strange, no voices were given on #desertbus!
No voices were taken on #desertbus!
Anubis169 always lets us know what he/she's doing: 103 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Anubis169 huggles MLeeLunsford

Also, PharaohBender27 tells us what's up with 77 actions.
amative1 talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 1 times!
WaltTheWizard has quite a potty mouth. 1.6% words were foul language.
jordanimpact also makes sailors blush, 1.2% of the time.
Total number of lines: 487515.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 49 seconds