DB11 Prize Archive - Giveaway: Ten copies of Penn's book Presto!

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Global Notes:
DB11 did not have raised amounts displayed on the DB website we did our best via a stream re-watch but not all were said.
DB Prize ID 0
Prize Type Giveaway
Bustime Giveaway Start 124:03
Local Time Giveaway Start Wednesday, 2017-11-22 14:03, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Giveaway End 125:16
Local Time Giveaway End Wednesday, 2017-11-22 15:16, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Giveaway Title Ten copies of Penn's book Presto!
Alt. Giveaway Title(s) --
Giveaway Donator(s) Penn Jillette
Giveaway Description (10 winners) - Each get: Signed copy of Penn's NY Times Best Seller book: Presto!
Craft-Along? --
Giveaway Amount(s) $6.10
Giveaway Raised unknown
Giveaway Winner(s) adamYHMI, GravityPike, StEric, drummrollplease, changling, TimeCapsule, Screevs, BarronVonPopinOff, ricin, MrDOOM,
Notes --
Giveaway Images
Additional Images --
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