Desert Bus Video Strike Team

Video Uploaders and Content Aggregators for "Desert Bus for Hope"


Q: How do I contact the VST?
This list is NOT in preference order, use whatever you like.
A1-a: The VST Twitter Account
A1-b: The VST Mastodon Account
A1-c: The VST CoHost Account
A2: The community IRC
A3: The #desertbus channel in the: LRR Discord
A3: You can send a missive to feedback at this website. (Avoiding a certain word here to halt robots...)
A4 (During the Run only): You can yell at DBVideoStrikeTeam in Twitch chat

Q: When did the VST start?
A: Like a lot of things it was a combination of ideas that came together over time, but the first formal VST was formed 10 hours before the DB6 (2012) run started.

Q: How does one become a member of the VST?
A: The sigunup form usually goes out in the IRC channel first. After that it may also be posted in the LRR discord server in the #desert bus channel.

Q: How is the VST organized?
A: The VST has an Organization Committee just like Desert Bus does, the first meeting for the next year usually takes place in December or January to review the previous year, and plan for the next.

Q: How many people are on the VST?
A: That varies year-to-year but DB13 (2019)'s VST was 55 people.

Q: How much space does the VST website take up?
A: As of (2020-11-04) the VST website takes up 8.4GiB of space.

Q: How long did recovering and cataloging the pre-DB6 runs take?
A: A little over 4 years.

Q: How much data is missing from the pre-DB6 runs?
A: See our Missing Data page for a detailed answer.

A: Because we think accurately preserving the event is historically important.