DB18 Morning Game Shows

Created by Noy2222 with crowdsourcing from #desertbus chat

DayAnswer sheet (for host)GameYT Link
DB18 - 017:37 - 018:10 (G-Doc) | (PDF Backup) Two Truths and Two Lies (Engineering Slideshow G-Doc) | (PDF Backup)
DB18 - 041:26 - 042:04 (G-Doc) | (PDF Backup DB Feud #1
DB18 - 066:02 - 066:22 N/A Custom YDKJ Game You Don't Know Jack (Zip Backup)
DB18 - 089:26 - 089:54 (G-Doc) | (PDF Backup) DB Feud 2
DB18 - 113:31 - 114:23 (G-Doc) | (PDF Backup) Film Critics (Engineering Slideshow G-Doc) | (PDF Backup)
DB18 - 137:32 - 138:04 (G-Doc) | (PDF Backup) DB Feud 3